Base de dades mundial de voluntaris i experts de fisioteràpia

World Physiotherapy Database of Volunteers and Experts (World Physiotherapy DOVES) is a searchable database of people who have offered to volunteer their services to help develop the physiotherapy profession internationally.


We are frequently asked for advice on physiotherapy practice, education, research and policy by our member organisations, and organisations/institutes with which we collaborate. As we have limited internal human resources, we have compiled this database of people who are collectively working to develop the profession internationally.

Com ajudar?

Please register if you are willing to support the development of the profession. It is an opportunity to share your expertise/experience/interest in physiotherapy practice, education, research, professional issues and global health.


Quan us registreu com a DOVE, podeu escollir si la vostra informació està disponible públicament o només per a ús intern per a nosaltres. Tingueu en compte que, si decidiu permetre la cerca pública de les vostres dades de contacte, serà possible que tercers exportin aquestes dades de contacte a un full de càlcul. Si posteriorment elimineu el vostre consentiment, és possible que us contacti seguint els detalls d’aquests fulls de càlcul exportats anteriorment.

To withdraw from World Physiotherapy DOVES

Podeu retirar el vostre consentiment i suprimir les vostres dades en qualsevol moment. Per fer-ho, si us plau:

  1. iniciar Sessió al vostre compte
  2. feu clic al llapis al costat del vostre perfil DOVES
  3. tick the box to Remove your DOVES registration
  4. feu clic a Desa

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