Portugal: Día Mundial del PT 2020

El Asociación portuguesa de fisioterapeutas celebró el Día Mundial del PT (WPTD) con varias actividades destinadas a:

  1. promover la profesión entre el público
  2. promote the initiatives implemented by Portuguese physiotherapists in the context of the commemoration of WPTD
  3. increase the literacy of the public regarding how physiotherapy can help to manage the impact of COVID-19
  4. Aumentar la conciencia de la telesalud y sus beneficios en diversas condiciones.

Para lograrlo, se implementaron las siguientes iniciativas:

  • translation of the materials created by World Physiotherapy for WPTD
  • creación de un área en el sitio web de la asociación dedicada al WPTD con los materiales traducidos
  • promoción de un concurso to reward the best initiative to celebrate WPTD promoted by Portuguese physiotherapists
  • a página de Facebook dedicado a WPTD donde se promocionaron los materiales traducidos y las iniciativas nacionales
  • Varios artículos en periódicos nacionales featuring interviews with the President of the Portuguese Association and news in the context of WPTD, the importance of physiotherapy, to the sustainability of the system and the importance of telehealth in the actual context (link1, link2, link3, link4)
  • un marco de Facebook alusivo a WPTD que se compartió en la red social
  • publicación de la nueva versión del Competencia Mi Perfil for physiotherapists in Portugal
  • un número de la revista de la Asociación Portuguesa de Fisioterapeutas (REVISTA FISIO) dedicated to this year's campaign theme around physiotherapy and rehabilitation after COVID-19 (Physiotherapy and COVID-19: Impact, Challenges and Opportunities).
Madeira: Fisioterapeuta Cláudia Ramos Aguiar

Despite the restrictions due to COVID-19, an activity was organized to raise awareness of "Physiotherapy as part of the solution" in the rehabilitation of patients affected by COVID-19. Following the activities carried out throughout the country (and world), we participated in the celebrations of the World PT Day 2020 with the theme: the role of physiotherapists in the treatment and management of people affected by COVID-19. 

A respiratory peddy-paper was organized.  Due to the standards implemented by the local

Salud: La "salud" se define en la constitución de la OMS de 1948 como un estado de completo bienestar físico, social y mental, y no simplemente la ausencia de enfermedad o enfermedad.

Vea también Promoción de la salud

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system, only 20 patients who underwent physiotherapy during the period of greatest contingency of COVID-19 (general pathologies and cerebrovascular/oncological/respiratory non-COVID-19) and members of the involved associations were invited. 

The activity took place on 6 September in the Monte Palace Gardens, in partnership with the Raquel Lombardi Association, ANDO-Portugal and Judo Brava Club, B1 PE Covão and Vargem School (activity also included in the Erasmus+ Program) and included educational activities in the area of Information/disinfection and hand hygiene/placement of masks/measurement of vital parameters; Contextualization of the role of respiratory physiotherapy in today's society and context after COVID-19; warm-up exercises; general mobility; thoracic mobility/expandability; strength and balance exercises; stretching and relaxation/musical activities (singing and dancing). At the end we had social interaction moments and lunch, always with the appropriate social distance.

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