El documento informativo examina el impacto del COVID-19 en los sistemas de salud frágiles y las comunidades vulnerables

World Physiotherapy ha publicado un documento informativo sobre el impacto del COVID-19 en los sistemas de salud frágiles y las comunidades vulnerables, y el papel de los fisioterapeutas en la prestación de servicios de rehabilitación.

The latest briefing paper in the World Physiotherapy COVID-19 series focuses on:

  • el cambio en la prestación de rehabilitación y el acceso a la fisioterapia 
  • el impacto de la disminución de los servicios de rehabilitación de fisioterapia 
  • cambios potenciales requeridos en la planificación de recursos humanos y fuerza laboral para satisfacer las necesidades posteriores al COVID-19 
  • la importancia de la inversión a más largo plazo en fisioterapia y rehabilitación después del COVID-19

La presidenta mundial de fisioterapia, Emma Stokes, dijo:

‘COVID-19 continues to impact the practice and delivery of physiotherapy around the world. This paper examines its particular impact in fragile and vulnerable communities, which although generally located in low and middle income countries (LMICs), can exist in all countries. 

‘The pandemic has further highlighted the inequalities that exist between the rich and poor and the consequent impact for those in fragile systems and vulnerable communities.

‘The focus of this year’s World PT Day was on the importance of rehabilitation in the recovery of COVID-19. With the materials now translated into over 50 languages, the global impact of this pandemic and the role that physiotherapy plays is highlighted once more.

‘Rehabilitation continues to be wrongly perceived as a non-essential health service for most patients when for many patients it is essential.’

The briefing paper is the fifth in a series published by World Physiotherapy exploring the response of the global physiotherapy profession to COVID-19. All briefing papers may be accessed at: https://world.physio/covid-19-information-hub/covid-19-briefing-papers.

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