Mujeres en el liderazgo en la profesión mundial de fisioterapia

Las mujeres representan más del 50 % de la profesión de fisioterapia mundial, pero menos del 50 % de los puestos ejecutivos en las juntas directivas de las asociaciones nacionales de fisioterapia están ocupados por mujeres.

Responses to World Physiotherapy’s annual membership census in 2021 show that, globally, 62% of physiotherapists are female and 48% of executive board members of World Physiotherapy member organisations are female. This is based on responses from 117 of our 125 member organisations who completed the census. 

The executive boards in 39% of World Physiotherapy member organisations reflect the ratio of female/male practising physiotherapists in the relevant country/territory. Ten (8%) World Physiotherapy member organisations have an all female executive board and four (3%) have an all male executive board. 

Women make up 63% of the executive board positions on the World Physiotherapy board.

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Regiones mundiales de fisioterapia

The percentage of female and male physiotherapists varies across World Physiotherapy’s five regions:

  • África
    • 60% of physiotherapists in the region are female and 37% of executive board members of World Physiotherapy member organisations are female
  • Asia Pacífico Occidental
    • 52% of physiotherapists in the region are female and 27% of executive board members of World Physiotherapy member organisations are female
  • Europa
    • 66% of physiotherapists in the region are female and 56% of executive board members of World Physiotherapy member organisations are female
  • América del Norte Caribe
    • 66% of physiotherapists in the region are female and 68% of executive board members of World Physiotherapy member organisations are female
  • América del Sur
    • 62% of physiotherapists in the region are female and 61% of executive board members of World Physiotherapy member organisations are female  

World Physiotherapy is working towards a more inclusive and equal global profession. We will continue to monitor and report on this gender equity gap.

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