Kuwait: Hari PT Sedunia 2021

The theme of World PT Day 2021 focused on Long COVID and rehabilitation. The Asosiasi Terapi Fisik Kuwait (KPTA) memutuskan untuk menekankan kegiatannya pada tema yang dideklarasikan dengan mempersiapkan wawancara langsung di berbagai program media di Kuwait (stasiun TV dan radio) dan memposting beberapa video di media sosial, terutama di akun Instagram dan Twitter-nya (@kptaq8).

Kegiatan tersebut antara lain:

  1. Five videos of breathing exercises (performed by a volunteering PT), by following the exercises suggested in the flyer of breathing exercises published on the World Physiotherapy website.
  2. A video of one patient who was hospitalised due to COVID-19, talking about his journey since he was firstly diagnosed, ICU experience – including ECMO- and followed by his experience with physical therapy in acute and chronic stages as he’s still taking PT sessions as an outpatient. 
  3. Radio & TV interviews with Board members (in Arabic/English Languages) for raising awareness about the PT world day, as follows: 
  • Wawancara radio dengan Sekretaris Jenderal Abeer Al-Tajalli pada 30 Agustus
  • Wawancara radio dengan Presiden KPTA Hana Al-Khamees pada 7 September
  • Wawancara radio dengan anggota dewan Fatma Askar pada 8 September
  • Wawancara TV dengan Presiden KPTA Hana Al-Khamees pada 8 September



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