Portugal: Hari PT Sedunia 2021

Asosiasi Fisioterapis Portugis

Grafik Asosiasi Portugis Fisioterapis memperingati Hari PT Sedunia 2021 (WPTD) dengan beberapa kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk:

  1. Mempromosikan profesi kepada publik;
  2. Promote the initiatives implemented by Portuguese physiotherapists in the context of the commemoration of the WPTD;
  3. Increase the literacy of the public regarding how physiotherapy can help managing the impact of Long COVID-19, and COVID-19 in general;
  4. Increase the awareness about the importance of physiotherapy and its benefits in several conditions.

Untuk mencapai hal tersebut, inisiatif-inisiatif berikut dilaksanakan:

  • Translation of the materials created by World Physiotherapy for the WPTD;
  • Penciptaan sebuah area di situs web asosiasi didedikasikan untuk WPTD dengan materi yang diterjemahkan;
  • Promosi kontes to reward the best initiative to celebrate the WPTD promoted by Portuguese physiotherapists;
  • A Halaman Facebook Kami didedikasikan untuk WPTD di mana materi yang diterjemahkan dan inisiatif nasional dipromosikan;
  • Launch of a children's book "Tomás discovers physiotherapy”, with an online promotional event. The book is mainly aimed at the youngest – but not only – and seeks to explain, in a simple and fun way, what physiotherapy is;
  • Beberapa partisipasi di kantor berita nasional, including the national television, with interviews to the President of the Portuguese Association and news in the context of the WPTD and the importance of physiotherapy to the sustainability of the health system (link1, link2 (setelah menit 6:10), Link 3);
  • Bingkai Facebook yang menyinggung WPTD yang dibagikan di jejaring sosial;
  • An issue of the Portuguese Association of Physiotherapists magazine (Revista FISIO) dedicated to the discussion of the quality of the response to COVID-19 in Portugal, in the context of physiotherapy (Physiotherapy after COVID-19 infection: are we providing an adequate response?).

Alcoitão School of Health Sciences

As part of this year's celebration of World PT Day, students and teachers of the physiotherapy course at the  Alcoitão School of Health Sciences developed a mobile application (ReageCOVID) whose main objective is to promote self-management, in the short and long term, in the post-COVID-19 context . 

The app is public and free to access and is divided into several sections, where self-management strategies were presented that could contribute to improving the functionality of people affected by COVID-19 (and Long COVID).

Aplikasi ini dapat digunakan di desktop, ponsel cerdas, dan tablet melalui tautan ini: https://reagecovid.glideapp.io/

Rumah Sakit Dr. Nélio Mendonça - SESARAM (Madeira) 

A group of physiotherapists from Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça - SESARAM developed a series of activities with the support of different entities. Using this year's theme, the main objective of the activities was to promote the importance of physiotherapy in the rehabilitation for Long COVID. The target population were people with post-covid symptoms, people with physical motor disabilities resulting from other pathologies, health professionals, young, adult and elderly population in general (Portuguese and foreign). A total of 69 participants took part in the day.

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