Slovenia: Hari PT Sedunia 2020

Grafik Asosiasi Fisioterapis Slovenia and physiotherapists in Slovenia marked World PT Day 2020 with 27 events in 12 cities between 7 September and 2 October. The main topic was related to COVID-19 and the focus of most of the events in Slovenia was "Physiotherapy and COVID-19: from prevention to rehabilitation". The World Physiotherapy infographics were translated into Slovenian and used to promote both World Physiotherapy and the role of physiotherapy in all age groups and at all stages of life. 

The main event was organised on 8 September by the Slovenian Association of Physiotherapists, which took place in a retirement home where some of the most vulnerable people in the current pandemic live. In front of audience that included all major Slovenian media, the delegates of the Slovenian Association of Physiotherapists presented the current problem in Slovenia, ie the lack of physiotherapists, and pointed out the importance of the access to physiotherapy for everybody.

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