Swedia: Hari PT Sedunia 2021

Untuk memperingati Hari PT Sedunia 2021, Asosiasi Fisioterapis Swedia held a campaign under the theme: What is the name of your physiotherapist?

The campaign demonstrated how physiotherapists can help you in all aspects of life when you have problems with muscles and joints or need help to regain mobility. It also emphasised the role of physiotherapy to support people who need to get started with physical activity to improve their health.

Beberapa film dibuat untuk menunjukkan hal ini: www.fysioterapeuterna.se/Om-forbundet/Forbundets-politik/vad-heter-din-fysioterapeut/

Physiotherapist of the year was also named: www.fysioterapeuterna.se/Om-forbundet/nyheter/2021/2021/malin-nygren-bonnier-ar-arets-fysioterapeut-2021/

Selain itu, Presiden asosiasi, Cecilia Winberg, menerbitkan video ucapan untuk menandai hari tersebut: www.fysioterapeuterna.se/Om-forbundet/nyheter/2021/2021/halsning-pa-fysioterapins-dag/

Kegiatan tersebut juga dipromosikan melalui media sosial asosiasi, seperti Facebook dan Instagram.

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