Taiwan: Hari PT Sedunia 2020

Karena pandemi COVID-19, file  Asosiasi Terapi Fisik Taiwan (TPTA) celebrated the World PT Day 2020 through various online programmes to avoid crowd gathering. With the theme “the role of physiotherapy in rehabilitation and COVID-19”, TPTA held a series of interactive social activities and events for the general public, whose life has been heavily influenced and impacted by the pandemic, to know more about physical therapy.

Physical therapists invited patients and individuals to participate in filming videos of exercises that could be done at home during quarantine periods. These videos have been posted and shared on social media, including Facebook and YouTube, to promote the health of individuals and public awareness of what physical therapists can do during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Selain itu, TPTA juga mendorong mahasiswa fisioterapi untuk merancang tab dan filter Instagram terkait fisioterapi dan COVID-19 agar generasi muda lebih mengenal profesi fisioterapi dan perannya dalam pandemi.

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