Asosiasi Fisioterapis India diterima kembali

The Indian Association of Physiotherapists (IAP) telah disetujui untuk diterima kembali sebagai organisasi anggota Fisioterapi Dunia.

Keanggotaan akan berlaku mulai 1 Agustus 2020.

Asosiasi tersebut memiliki lebih dari 47,000 anggota.

Mengomentari penerimaan kembali asosiasi, Dr Ali Irani, ketua - urusan internasional IAP, mengatakan:

“Kami percaya 'Kembalinya selalu lebih kuat dari pada kemunduran.'

“It gives us immense joy to return home to World Physiotherapy, where we belong. IAP shares great privilege to be reinstated as a World Physiotherapy member.

“India being the largest democratic country and IAP is its oldest since 1953 and largest physiotherapy association of India, would like to express our immense gratitude towards all the World Physiotherapy executive members and member countries for their support and wishes.

“As IAP stands united and stronger today, we would like to take this opportunity to start from where we left. We hope IAP will make World Physiotherapy proud and stronger.”

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