Logo Hari PT Sedunia 2023

Hari PT Sedunia

Hari PT Sedunia diperingati setiap tahun pada tanggal 8 September. Pada tahun 2024, hari ini akan fokus pada nyeri punggung bawah.

Hari PT Sedunia 2024

The toolkit for World PT Day 2024 is being developed and will include information sheets, posters, banners, and an activities guide. All the materials are aimed at the general public and promote the role of physiotherapists in the prevention of low back pain. There will also be a resource list for facts and additional reading for physiotherapists. 

Versi materi akan diunggah ke situs web kami segera setelah tersedia. 

Harap diperhatikan: materi Hari PT Sedunia tidak dapat diubah tanpa izin dari Fisioterapi Dunia.

Mengapa Hari PT Sedunia penting

In 1996, 8 September was designated as World PT Day. This is the date World Physiotherapy was founded in 1951.

The day marks the unity and solidarity of the global physiotherapy community. It is an opportunity to recognise the work that physiotherapists do for their patients and community. Using World PT Day as a focus, World Physiotherapy aims to support member organisations in their efforts to promote the profession and advance their expertise.

Laporan dari seluruh dunia menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan Hari PT Sedunia berdampak positif pada profil profesi dan kedudukannya di mata publik dan pembuat kebijakan.

Many World Physiotherapy member organisations already have their own national physiotherapy days, weeks and months. However, organisations that have no designated day of their own often choose 8 September.

Hari PT Sedunia 2023

Tema Hari PT Sedunia 2023 adalah arthritis dan peran fisioterapis

Lihat dan unduh materi toolkit untuk Hari PT Sedunia 2023
Gambar thumbnail aktivitas Hari PT Sedunia

Kegiatan Hari PT Sedunia

See how World PT Day was celebrated around the world by World Physiotherapy member organisations and others.

Lihat semua aktivitas Hari PT Sedunia

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