Bermuda: Hari PT Sedunia 2018

To celebrate World Physical Therapy Day 2018, the Asosiasi Fisioterapi Bermuda (BPA) focused on community education. The radio airways were used to promote the profession and educate the local community in order to align with BPA's mission: "To strengthen and develop the local healthcare community through representing and advocating for the role of physiotherapy in Bermuda from a worldwide perspective."  They were featured on a popular Morning Talk Show on Power 95 with Ms. Thang.

Informasi diberikan sebagai berikut:

  • Apa itu fisioterapi?
  • Who are physiotherapists?
  • Pendidikan
  • Kondisi apa yang kami tangani
  • Bagaimana kita bisa diakses
  • Apa yang diharapkan selama pengangkatan awal
  • Mitos vs Fakta - kami memberikan informasi tentang beberapa kesalahpahaman umum seputar fisioterapi

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