
World Physiotherapy has today issued a joint statement on coordinating rehabilitation and assistive technology as part of a humanitarian response.

とのコラボレーションで制作 国際コミュニケーション科学および障害協会(IALP) 国際脊髄学会(ISCoS) 国際義肢装具学会(ISPO) 国際物理学会 リハビリテーション 医学(ISPRM) 世界作業療法士連盟(WFOT), the statement affirms a number of key statements regarding rehabilitation and access to assistive technology within a humanitarian response.

As global member organisations officially representing professionals involved in rehabilitation, these organisations uphold the 国連人道問題調整事務所(OCHA) 人類、中立、公平、および独立の原則。

The statement focuses on needs-led responses grounded in good practice, required competences, training, professional regulation, and accountability.


