


World Physiotherapy represents more than 600,000 physiotherapists through its 128 member organisations, and is the international voice for physiotherapy.

On behalf of its member organisations, World Physiotherapy undertakes a range of projects and supports international campaigns to promote the physiotherapy profession and its contribution to global health. It encourages high standards of physiotherapy research, education and practice. 

All physiotherapists are linked to World Physiotherapy through membership of their national physiotherapy association. We do not offer membership for individual physiotherapists. 



  • Member organisations can attend and vote at the World Physiotherapy general meeting, which is held every four years, to help ensure World Physiotherapy’s work benefits the profession in your country/territory and worldwide
  • We provide support for your association to establish standards, develop education programmes, and regulate the physiotherapy profession in your country/territory
  • You will have opportunities to contribute to and have your say on World Physiotherapy projects
  • 我們可以提供文件和支持信,以幫助您在您的國家/地區發展專業


  • 世界PT日 – be part of the global profession and join in with this World Physiotherapy-sponsored day on 8 September to celebrate physiotherapy and its contribution to global health. We provide ready-to-print promotional materials, together with information and ideas on planning activities and events. When you send us a report about your 世界PT日活動,我們會將其包含在我們的網站上。
  • 代表大會 – World Physiotherapy holds the profession’s largest international congress, showcasing advances in physiotherapy research, practice and education. Enjoy the members’ discount to attend.



  • 接收我們為會員組織和個人理療師提供的國際新聞和信息資源的每月更新。
  • access World Physiotherapy guidelines and policies on professional issues, education and regulation helping the profession drive up professional standards around the world.
  • have a profile page for your national physiotherapy association on the World Physiotherapy website.
  • receive up-to-date information on relevant international health initiatives.
  • 通過我們與世界各地的物理治療師聯繫 網絡, 專業組 and discussion forums to help build the global physiotherapy community


  • World Physiotherapy works with international health bodies, including the 世界衛生組織世界衛生專業聯盟, to ensure the physiotherapy profession is recognised and consulted on global health initiatives and campaigns, including the promotion of positive working environments, making non-communicable diseases a global priority, and ending the trade in counterfeit medical products. As a member organisation you are linked to these international health bodies.
  • World Physiotherapy is an NGO in official relations with the World Health Organization
  • 世界物理療法亞組 are independent international physiotherapy organisations, each representing a specific area of interest


該專業最負盛名的國際榮譽旨在表彰那些做出了貢獻的物理治療師 對該專業的傑出國際貢獻 並在國會制定。