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Physiopedia is a free resource of physiotherapy knowledge, collaboratively edited and driven by experts.

Its mission is to help improve global heath by providing universal access to physiotherapy knowledge. Physiopedia offers a place where physiotherapists throughout the world can contribute, share, and gain knowledge.

With an evidence-based approach to physiotherapy services, it offers opportunities for physiotherapists to develop as professionals. As a collaborative and international site, Physiopedia unites physiotherapists globally to develop and promote the profession.

Physiopedia and World Physiotherapy share many objectives and values. World Physiotherapy is happy to raise awareness of the Physiopedia website.

Physiotherapy Exercises

Physiotherapy Exercises is a free resource that allows physiotherapists to search, select, and create exercise booklets for people affected by injuries or disabilities. The resource includes more than 1,500 exercises and more than 5,000 drawings and photos.

World Physiotherapy is happy to raise awareness of Physiotherapy Exercises.


PEDro – the Physiotherapy Evidence Database is a free database of randomised trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy. It provides citation details, an abstract and a link for each trial, review or guideline. All trials on PEDro are independently assessed for quality. These quality ratings are used to quickly guide users to trials that are more likely to be valid and to contain sufficient information to guide clinical practice.

PEDro is produced by the PEDro Partnership at the University of Sydney on a not for profit basis.

As an international initiative furthering high quality practice, PEDro shares many of the same objectives and values as World Physiotherapy. We believe that PEDro is an essential resource that informs evidence-based physiotherapy practice worldwide and helps provide better services for those needing physiotherapy.

World Physiotherapy is happy to raise awareness of PEDro – the Physiotherapy Evidence Database.

Watch a video summary about PEDro: