Members of the Surinamese Association for Physiotherapy (SVF) held activities in different parts of the country for World PT Day 2022.
- Sanah Leysner-Cheung had an exercise class for senior citizens at Huize Ashiana, a home for the elderly
- Alida Paal and colleague had an exercise class including education regarding osteoarthritis(OA) for senior citizens at Husnul Kotimah, a home for the elderly
- Tanya Frijmersum had a workshop regarding OA at St.Vincentius Hospital for student nurses in cooperation with the physiotherapy- and educational department of the hospital and an intern physiotherapy; Huize Majella, a nursing home, for part of their staff; Para Relax Club, a home for senior citizens and persons with disabilities, together with the secretary of the SVF-board Ruben Saouma, for staff and clients
Bastiaan de Boer, president of the SVF, produced two educational videos and made a poster on OA on behalf of his private practice, including physiotherapy interns:
- Watch part 1:
- Watch part 2:
The day also attracted media attention (news website/TV):