Advanced Practice In Developing Countries (SEM-01)



This seminar aims to present practical examples of what advanced practice physiotherapy (APP) means to physiotherapists in low-resource settings by drawing on examples from countries in Africa. APP has been developed to address the need to improve patient access to care, reduce wait times for patients, and reduce the cost of delivering care. The rapid expansion of APP has been predominantly in high-resource countries within government funded health care systems. Very little is known about APP in low-resource settings and in countries with very limited health care funding. There are questions about what APP means to physiotherapists in low resourced settings, how is APP impacting healthcare delivery and the challenges and barriers to implementation.

Drawing on examples from African countries, this seminar will present practical examples of how physiotherapists within low-resource countries are advancing their practice within the limited resources to strengthen rehabilitation and improve the healthcare system. This seminar will challenge participants to rethink what APP is and how the implementation of APP is influenced by the local contexts such as the level of entry-level physiotherapy education, the resources available to the therapist, and the local support provided by the health care system.

  1. Discuss what APP means to countries with low-resources and describe the importance of developing APP models of care to strengthen rehabilitation in developing countries.
  2. Provide practical examples of how countries with low resources have implemented APP models of care to strengthen rehabilitation within their countries with examples from Africa.
  3. Stimulate discussion on the barriers, facilitators and strategies for implementing APP models of care in developing countries and discuss the next steps.
  1. World Health Organization - Rehabilitation 2030 Initiative. Available at: Accessed on 1st March 2022
  2. Tawiah AK, Desmeules F, Wieler M, Finucane L, Lewis J, Woodhouse LJ, et al. Advanced practice in physiotherapy: A Global Survey. Physiotherapy. 2021; 113: 168 – 176
  3. Desmeules F, Roy JS, MacDermid JC, Champagne F, Hinse O, Woodhouse LJ. Advanced practice physiotherapy in patients with musculoskeletal disorders: a systematic review. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2012; 13(1):107.
  4. Fennelly O, Blake C, Fitzgerald O, Breen R, Ashton J, Brennan A, Caffery A, Desmeules F, Cunningham C. Advanced practice physiotherapy-led triage in Irish orthopedic and rheumatology services: National data audit. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2018;19(181)
  5. Robarts S, Stratford P, Kennedy D, Malcolm B, Finkelstein J. Evaluation of an advanced-practice physiotherapist in triaging patients with lumbar spine pain: surgeon-physiotherapist level of agreement and patient satisfaction. Canadian Journal of Surgery. 2017;60(4):266–272
  6. Ruston SA. Extended scope practitioners and clinical specialists: A place in rural health? Australian Journal of rural health. 2008;16(3):120-3

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