Amaro Salsa Ferreira L.1, Barbosa D.1,2, Henrique Sales Oliveira L.1, Maria Defino M.1
1University Center of Itajubá, Department of Physical Therapy - Center for Trauma and Orthopaedic Physiotherapy, Itajubá/MG, Brazil, 2University the Odontology - Inapos, Department of Human Physiology and Temporomandibular Disorders, Pouso Alegre, Brazil

Background: With the increase in the number of academies and the number of physical exercising in gyms in Brazil, there was a significant increase in complaints of postural pain, especially in the lumbar spine in these practitioners. Essse randomized controlled trial examined these complaints using the instruments of Oswestry and Roland Morris.

Purpose: To assess the prevalence of back pain in amateur bodybuilding practitioners, using the instruments for analysis of Roland Morris and Oswestry.

Methods: The study followed the ethical principles for research involving human beings, according to Resolution 196/96 of the National Health Council. This is a controlled, randomized, blinded, quantitative and qualitative, descriptive and analytical. For this study, 50 patients were selected, male and female, chosen at random, the evaluation sheets the academy. Preferably aged 18 ± 50 years, regardless of race, color or social class. The choice of the sample was random and random, which will separate the records or gym goers registration forms, and inserted in a table produced in Excel, where we will have 3 columns, 1st column intended for female participants, the 2nd column to the male and a 3rd column that will be allocated to the selected participants through the heads and tails, which will be held by an individual who does not know the purpose of the work, just have the information have to separate some individuals in groups.

Results: The analysis of Oswetry and Roland Morris instruments in the group of female bodybuilders showed a value of P 0.0003 was considered statistically significant pain. The analysis instruments occurs through a final result (score) that is related to a pre-established by the instrument table, the score correlated found with the possibility of back pain and disability. The analysis of Oswetry and Roland Morris instruments in male bodybuilders group showed a value of P 0.0415 was considered statistically significant with regard to pain and disability. Specifically roland morris instrument, the male sample showed a significant difference as compared to female sample measured with the same instrument (1.320 ± 0.4386 0.6800 ± male sample and female sample 0.1890).

Conclusion(s): It was concluded that the sample analyzed in this study presents low back pain due to the constant weight practice. The findings analyzed in this study, meet reference studies, published rescentemente, therefore, becomes inprecindivel a thorough evaluation and rigorous attention in the practice of weight because low back pain can not be seen and felt, as only a symptom isolated before, during or after the practice of activity.

Implications: For physical activity to reach the goal you want, it is necessary that the workload is individualized. Commonly, this is accomplished through a physical assessment on which analyze variables that provide important data for the development and adjustment of physical activity programs, then the physiotherapist is the professional best suited to perform the postural evaluation is recommended to monitor the sports training, aimed at preventing possible injuries and postural changes along with the physical educator, through a multidisciplinary work

Funding acknowledgements: Hospital Itajubá and the research department of FEPI the financial incentive

Topic: Musculoskeletal: spine

Ethics approval: Research Ethics Committee (CEP) CAAE: 55719616.7.0000.5094.

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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