Alvis Gomez K.M.1, Quiroga L M.1, Acosta A.O.1
1Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Movimiento Corporal Humano, Bogotá, Colombia

Background: The information of the external world is stored through perceptual processes, structured on an internal mental model, which has in detail, aspects of the individual´s interaction with the outside. In the same way, the body image reflect physical qualities and postures that the individual possess which can assessed by physical therapists with the aim to establish the the impact of interventions on body schema.

Purpose: Determinate the degree of association between the photogrammetric postural assessment, the perception assessment through the Body Shape questionnaire and the 13 figures, with the body schema assessment through the test drawing human figure TD3H, in healthy young adults from Bogotá.

Methods: This study used a descriptive, associative and cross-sectional design. University students from Bogotá (Colombia), who are in an age range between 18 to 30 years old, participated. Exclusion criteria were that they not suffer any body schema disorder (anorexia, bulimia); they don’t have any diagnosed mental diseases; and they could not adopt standing position. Four tests were performed to assess the different research parameters, after signing informed consent: 1. Postural assessment through the photogrammetric method, 2. Body Schema Assessment through the drawing human figure test TD3H, 3. Body Image assessment through the body shape questionnaire and 13 figures test. Statistical analysis was done by multiple correspondences method for the categorical variables, and by principals components method for the continuous variables, in both cases were grouped through cluster factor based method with the statistical software SPAD 7. Finally, it was obtained the Pearson and Spearman Correlation coefficient through statistical software SPSS.

Results: The sample consisted of 70 participants (40 women and 30 men), with an average age 22,17 years ± 3,55. It was found significant correlation[BO1] between the photogrammetric data with the internal malleolus length (P= 0.394) and hip length (P=0,443). It was found mild significant and positive correlation between the photogrammetric data and the mandibular alienation (P=0,396), trunk inclination (left in photo and right in the draw; P=0,263), and for lower limbs alienation (left in photo and right in draw; P=0,340). For the rest of data was found mild positive correlation mostly, but without statistic significant.

Conclusion(s): Body image assessments have to consider the emotional, perceptual and behaviors that flow form it and modifies the way in which the individual adopts postures and how those postures relate to each other. In addition, individuals tend to print body and postural features as if were looking in a mirror, in drawing the human figure. On the other hand, is important to consider in postural assessment head variables (mandibular and vestibular plane) as these are related with the compensations and modifications that are in the trunk.

Implications: Since the postural assessment guides physiotherapists about biomechanical relationships between body segments, the drawing human figure could be useful to describe this relationships having an approximation from reality, easy to apply because the lines contained in the draw reflect the body schema that manages individuals, therefore, gives us information about how the individuals adapts and develops in the environment.

Funding acknowledgements: 1. Graphics design Faculty and Medical Faculty of National University of Colombia (2015).

Topic: Human movement analysis

Ethics approval: No ethics approval was required for the research.

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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