Arias González DD1, Pérez Quiroga CL1, Cervantes Mora MA1
1Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, UPAEP, Escuela de Fisioterapia, Puebla, Mexico

Background: In the last years, cell phones and tablets have been developing very fast and in turn has had a greater reach in different sectors of the population. Each time younger children are in constant contact with these technologies, and maintain this contact throughout their life, doing less activities that let them their psychomotor development, generating a more sedentary lifestyle, which can affect the obtainment the ability to balance.
If a relationship is established between the constant use of cell phones and tablets with a decrease in the balance capacity in children, it would be an issue that generates the possibility to carry out an action plan that set the ideal age or time that parents let to use these devices by children.

Purpose: The aim of the study was to analyse and to determinate if there is an impact on static and dynamic balance as a consequence of the prolonged use of cell phones and tablets in children.

Methods: Cross-sectional, analytical and retrospective observational study. 143 school children of Centro Escolar Morelos in Puebla, Mexico, of both sexes, that have totally access to mobile device were selected, to which were given a validated questionnaire about the use of cell phones and tablets, that they answer it individually. Subsequently, these same students received two validated balance tests to evaluate the static equilibrium and dynamic equilibrium, comparing the results obtained in relation to the age at which they began to use the mobile device and the time of daily use.
The data obtained were compared and subjected to a statistical analysis by means of the Statistical Package IBM SPSS Statics O.

Results: A total of 134 participants were recruited for this study. Of this 65% use mobile device in moderated form, 69% started the use of this technologies at 6 years old, and the rest started before. 61% use mobile device more time than AAP recommended. 84% of the students present a diminution of static balance, and in terms of dynamic balance, the average was 7.65 seconds outside the ideal values for the students´ age.

Conclusion(s): There is a high percentage of students who have used mobile devices from an early age, maintaining a constant use and above that recommended by the AAP. This use has significantly affected the acquisition of static-dynamic balance in school-age infants, who at the age of 12 must already present a complete acquisition of all psychomotor skills.
The study presented different limitations, which can be resumed by other researchers, including the assessment of other psychomotor skills, the comparison with students of greater or lesser access to these devices and better methods to account the exact time these technologies are used since kids started to use.

Implications: The findings of this study serve as the basis to create campaigns about the use of mobile devices, especially as a guide for parents. In the case of educational institutes, the present study serves as an indicator for the application of different programs that compensate for the acquisition of psychomotor skills inside of the educational environment.

Keywords: Psychomotor development, balance, mobile device

Funding acknowledgements: None

Topic: Paediatrics; Education; Health promotion & wellbeing/healthy ageing

Ethics approval required: Yes
Institution: Universidad Poular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla
Ethics committee: En Investigación del Decanato de Ciencias de la Salud UPAEP
Ethics number: CONBIOETICA21CE100620131021

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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