Mena Bejarano B1, Garcia Caro AM1, Mancera Soto EM1, Cristancho E1, Mestizo LM1, Gonzalez SD1, Guerrero YA1, Ramos Caballero DM1
1Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Movimiento Corporal Humano, Bogotá, Colombia

Background: During childhood and adolescence, the behavior of VO2max is related to morphophysiological changes attributed to the process of biological maturation. It is also determined by the level of physical training.

Purpose: The objective was to characterize the peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak) in adolescents

Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study in Bogotá D.C was carried out, with a population of 51 untrained (UT n = 21) and endurance sports trained (T n = 30) adolescents. Training level, anthropometric measurements, stage of biological maturation, peak / maximal oxygen consumption (VO2peak/max) were assessed through direct ergospirometric tests and hematological variables.

Results: VO2peak was higher in group T (45.7 ml / kg / min) than in UT (36.5). For both groups, the men got higher values ​​than the women (p 0.05), difference was greater in T. A positive correlation was found between VO2peak and MLG (r = 0.558; p = 0.001).

Conclusion(s): In stages 4 and 5, the consolidation of the physiological changes in men and women determines that there is not an evident relationship between VO2peak and maturation. Factors directly related to VO2peak were age and fat free mass and indirectly were fat weight and sex.

Implications: The evidence on the behavior of VO2peak in T and UT adolescents is limited, therefore these findings will allow to establish individual criteria for the evaluation and prescription of endurance exercise according to the individual and biological variability of the population.

Keywords: Oxygen consumption, puberty,, sexual maturation

Funding acknowledgements: Programa Nacional de Semilleros, creación e innovación de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Topic: Sport & sports injuries; Cardiorespiratory

Ethics approval required: Yes
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Ethics committee: Science Faculty
Ethics number: Register 06-2015

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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