R. Eshaghi Moghadam1
1University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Science, Physiotherapy, Tehran, Iran

Background: One of the most common postural disorders in today’s societies is the forward head posture (FHP) that is associated with numerous musculoskeletal complications. Considering sternocleidomastoid attachments to the neck, it seems that it would be negatively influenced by such postural deviations.

Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the sternocleidomastoid muscle thickness in women with normal head posture (NHP) and FHP.

Methods:  A case-control study was done in which 18 female students (mean age 24.5±3.3) with FHP and 18 female controls (mean age 23.4±2.5) with NHP were participated. Bilateral sternocleidomastoid muscle thickness were measured in supine position in both groups using ultrasonography. Data analysis was carried out in SPSS V.16.

Results: There was no significant difference in thickness of sternocleidomastoid between individuals with FHP and NHP (P>0.05). Also, no significant difference was seen between the two groups in muscle thicknesses on either side of the neck (P> 0.05). In other words, thickness was found to be symmetric on both sides of the neck in both groups.

Conclusion(s):  According to the results, FHP did not impose any morphological changes on sternocleidomastoid muscle at the fifth cervical vertebral level. Although measurement of the thickness of this muscle in other vertebral levels is recommended for future studies.

Implications: although no significant difference was observed in this study between the two groups,it is possible that by measuring the thickness of this muscle in the higher cervical vertebral level due to more changes in the head on the neck at high levels in people with FHP, more differences may be observed, the result this study might be of interest to clinicians and researchers interested in managing postural deviations, particularly those related to FHP.

Funding, acknowledgements: this study is financially supported by the university of social welfare and rehabilitation science,Tehran,Iran.

Keywords: ultrasonography, sternocleidomastoid, forward head posture

Topic: Musculoskeletal: spine

Did this work require ethics approval? Yes
Institution: University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Science
Committee: University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Science
Ethics number: IR.USWR.REC.1394.30

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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