Miranda-Fuentes C1, Ibacache Saavedra P2,3, Marcelo Cano Cappellacci M4, Jerez-Mayorga D1
1Universidad Andres Bello, Escuela de Kinesiologia, Facultad de Ciencias de la Rehabilitacion, Santiago, Chile, 2Universidad Andres Bello, Escuela de Kinesiologia, Facultad de Ciencias de la Rehabilitacion, Viña del Mar, Chile, 3Universidad de las Americas, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Viña del Mar, Chile, 4Universidad de Chile, Departamento de Kinesiología, Santiago, Chile

Background: Obesity is an important health problem worldwide. In terms of treatments, it is shows that 90% of subjects fail to maintain weight loss with conservative treatment, proving that the most effective intervention in conditions of severe obesity is bariatric surgery (BS). However, around 20-30% of patients operated on with BS begin to recover lost body weight and reach similar values compared to the preoperative ones, mainly due to the low physical activity (PA) level, high levels of sedentary behavior (SB), and bad eating habits.

Purpose: Understanding that body weight regulation post BS is complicated, the objective of the present study is to compare the PA level and SB of women intervened with bariatric surgery in pre and post-surgery conditions.

Methods: The PA level and SB were evaluated with triaxial accelerometers ActiGraph wGT3X (ActiGraph, Pensacola, USA). Data was collected during at least four consecutive days, including two weekend days during waking hours, except for sleeping and bathing, without modifying their usual physical activity. The data was analyzed with the Actilife 6 software (ActiGraph, Pensacola, USA), accepting a minimum of 10 hrs use/day, expressing the results in METs and in % of PA. The evaluations were carried out after SB (A), at months before SB (B) and three months before SB (C) at am. STATA 13.0 program was used for the statistical analysis.

Results: Twenty women with obesity, with a mean age 39 years old and BMI 35 kg/m2. ANOVA of repeated measures was used for the analysis of the variables. For PA levels (% PA), there is no difference between moments A, B and C for %PA light (p=0.22), moderate (p = 0.48), vigorous (p = 0.57) and very vigorous (p = 0.40).. On the other hand, there is no significant change either between moments A, B and C (p=0.32, p=0.23 respectively) with regards to the SB level expressed in METs and Kcals.

Conclusion(s): BS intervention does not stimulate changes at three months post intervention in terms of PA and SB, which could translate into an increase in cardiovascular risk and noncommunicable diseases in this population.

Implications: Accurate and reliable measurement of the time of PA and SB in subjects operated on with BS is key to contribute with relevant information that can improve the prescription of PA, decrease cardiovascular risk and mortality in this population.

Keywords: Bariatric surgery, physical activity, sedentary behaviour

Funding acknowledgements: Not apply.

Topic: Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) & risk factors

Ethics approval required: Yes
Institution: Universidad de Chile
Ethics committee: Ethic Committee of Human Beings Research
Ethics number: 163-2016

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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