Can F.1, Isıntas Arık M.2
1Hacettepe University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Samanpazari- Ankara, Turkey, 2Dumlupınar University, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Kütahya, Turkey

Background: Guitarists are frequent attenders at medical clinics mostly with problems of hand and wrist. Many guitarist are commonly diagnosed with playing related musculoskletel disorders or repetitive strain injury. Each musician needs to be approached on the basis of professional and personal demands. Very limited number of study on musicians mostly based on pianists and bassoon players but not yet enough for guitar players. There is no studies to show efficacy of exercises for guitarists. Thus, special assessment and rehabilitation techniques are required when dealing with the guitarists.

Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate possible effect of exercises on hand fuctions in guitar players and compare the efficacy for two exercise programs.

Methods: This study has been carried out with 27 classical guitar players aged between 16-35 years old. They have been diveded into 3 groups as Exercise Group ( n=10), Home- based Exercise Group ( n=10), and Control Group. They have been evaluated 3 times during the study; before, 6 weeks and 12 weeks later. All the musicians in three groups have been evaluated for pain (VAS), muscle tension (Goodman muscle tension scale), temperature ( infrared termometer), touch sensation of finger-tips ( Semmens- Weinstein monoflaments), grip strength ( Baseline Hand-Held Dynomometer), pinch strength (Jamar Pinch Grip Dinamometer) . The Exercise Group have been exercised with supervision of the same physitherapist for 6 weeks (3 days/week) while Home- Based Exercises group have performed the exercise prgrams in their home.

Results: Pain level in both exercise groups have significantly decreased at the end of 6 and 12 weeks (F= 4.48, p 0.005). Diminshed touch sensation in fingertips in two groups has been seen in both groups. However there were no improvements in grip and pinch strength (0.05). Pain intensity levels were similar within the groups whereas exercise group was superior. Muscle tension decreased in both exercises groups ( F(2.24)= 4.84, p 0.005).

Conclusion(s): Exercises are helpul to relieve pain and decrease muscle tension, although no significant improvement in grip strength, pinch strength and touch of sense. The effects of exercises with supervision has superior to home based exercises.

Implications: When assessing and treating a guitar player, a whole body approach must be emphasized. Thus, the education of the guitarist to prevent injuries and to make them aware of healing process after the injuries is crucial. In physical therapy and rehabilitation, of guitar player activity modification, considerations about how to approach playing the guitar and ergonomic advise take import part.

Funding acknowledgements: Hacettepe University has funded this study (LUT09/125)

Topic: Musculoskeletal: upper limb

Ethics approval: Hacettepe University Ethical Comitee approved this study with the number of LUT 091125.

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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