S.P. Muruganandam1
1Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research, Faculty of Sports and Exercise Science, Chennai, India

Background: Yo-Yo test is a field test used to evaluate the cardiovascular endurance of athletes in different sports population. This field test method is realistic in nature when compared with laboratory based testing, makes exercise testing in a practically applicable way. Yo-Yo test evaluates an individual's ability to repeatedly perform intense exercise and to recover rapidly in a short interval of time. Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test level 1 (YYIRT1) assess an individuals maximal activation of aerobic system. Cricket and Football are team sports, which are intermittent in nature. Furthermore there are no normative data available for cricket and football players specific to Indian population.

Purpose: The aim of the study is to evaluate Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Level 1 in Cricket and Football Players to obtain age and sex specific baseline data. The data obtained from the study will be useful for football and cricket coaches, physical therapists and sports scientists to determine the fitness level of athletes.

Methods: Total 159 participants took part in the study, 51 cricket players, 58 football players and 50 control group. Aerobic capacity of athletic population (cricket and football players) and non-athletic population (control group) was compared by performing Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Level 1 using a cross-sectional study design. Volunteered participants were given proforma and were included based on the inclusion criteria. Included participants were screened using ACSM – Pre Participation Screening Questionnaire prior to the YYIRT1. Participants heart rate before the test, during and heart rate maximum was recorded using Polar H10 heart rate monitor. Based on the level completed by the participant in YYIRT1,the distance covered and predicted Vo2max was calculated and recorded.

Results: The Athletic group Cricket players - Age (20.35± 2.22) BMI ( 21.58 ± 2.74 ), Football players - Age (19.45 ± 1.86), BMI (20.90 ± 2.78) , Control group - Age (21.78 ± 2.27) BMI (23.11 ±4.02).The athletic group YYIRT1 performance was 684.7 ± 225.09 meters, 42.15 ± 1.89 predicted Vo2max, 195.33 ± 7.27 HR max ( Cricket players) ,752.4 ± 275.1 meters, 42.72 ± 2.31 predicted Vo2mx, 191.88± 10.84 (Football Players) and 271.20 ± 119.94 meters, 38.68 ± 1 predicted vo2max, 190.60 ± 15.83 (control group). ANOVA was calculated between groups, distance covered, vo2max and heart rate average shows statistical significance P <0.05.

Conclusions: The present study provides the baseline data of YYIRT 1 in cricket and football players. The aerobic capacity of football player’s shows moderately higher vo2max compared with cricket players and control group. Significant difference in Vo2max was founded between untrained healthy participants.

Implications: The predicted Vo2max values of Cricket and Football players obtained from this study can be used as a baseline data for Cricket and Football Coaches, Physical therapist, Exercise Scientist to monitor the cardiovascular fitness level of the athletes. The aerobic capacity of the player obtained from the YYIRT1 can be used for identifying the potential, cardiovascular endurance of players.

Funding acknowledgements: Self Funding for the equipment used - Polar H10 heart rate monitor

Cardiovascular endurance
Intermittent recovery
Aerobic fitness

Sport & sports injuries

Did this work require ethics approval? Yes
Institution: Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research
Committee: Ethics Commitee for Students Projects
Ethics number: REF : CSP/22/MAR/108/209

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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