Beltran Obregon KS1, Quiroz Mora CA1
1Escuela Nacional del Deporte, Valle del Cauca, Cali, Colombia

Background: Obstetric psychoprophylaxis as a preventive tool in comprehensive care of pregnant population aims to maintain and improve maternal, perinatal, and neonatal health. In this sense, physiotherapists require adequate and high competencies to look after gestation process. Nevertheless, currently the scope of these competencies is unknown, since the approach to carry out an intervention in these types of populations is interdisciplinary.

Purpose: This article aims to determine the competencies (knowledge, know-how, and being) of physiotherapists in the approach to maternal population in the scope of the obstetric psychoprofilaxis, according to the literature and the best available published evidence.

Methods: It is a critical review type of literature study. In order to carry out the search, both MeSH (Medical Subject Heading) were considered to find the subject through keywords such as “physiotherapy”, “pregnancy”, “care prenatal”, “complications pregnant”, and “exercise”, in different databases as PubMed, Medline, Scopus, EBSCO, Cochrane, PeDro, Scielo, OVID, Science Direct, Redalyc, Hinari, Doaj, NCBI, Betham Science, and ISI Web of Science, in English, Portuguese and Spanish.
The selected studies should have basic criteria professional field (physiotherapists); population operated by physiotherapists (pregnant) . Inclusion criteria studies published to date with an experimental and quasi-experimental methodology, and a subject related to the intervention of physiotherapists to pregnant population in prenatal or postnatal stage. Exclusion criteria studies with critical literature review as a research method, and studies on pregnancy disorders (respiratory, cardiac, intestinal or fetal development).
The categories of analysis for the evaluation of the articles were: knowledge (broad and deep knowledge acquired through study), know-how (practice of acquired knowledge), and being (belief system responsible for human development).

Results: Of the searches carried out in the different databases, 3831 articles were excluded, excluding 330 duplicate articles, while the remaining 3531 articles were applied: filters, methodology, title, summary, keywords and inclusion criteria. The leaked articles were reviewed by two experts, who considered that a total of 19 articles with greater methodological effectiveness and scientific relevance.

Conclusion(s): The competences in knowing, doing and being found after the critical review of the literature are: knowledge in general anatomy with focus on the pelvic region, physiology of the gestational process and physical means in physiotherapy, transcutaneous electrical stimulation TENS, acupuncture technique, skills to perform clinical evaluations in maternal population, mobilizations and lumbopelvica exercises, prescription of aerobic exercises, prescription of exercises in water, strengthening of the pelvic floor and lower limb, and aptitudes for intervention in postpartum depression, anxiety and fears at the time of delivery.

Implications: The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest in the present manuscript.

Keywords: Physiotherapy, Pregnancy, Competency

Funding acknowledgements: The present research was funded by the University Escuela Nacional del Deporte

Topic: Education; Professional issues; Education

Ethics approval required: No
Institution: N / A
Ethics committee: N / A
Reason not required: The present investigation doesn´t require intervention to population.

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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