Stergiou M1, Stergiou E1
1Ma.Ster Physio Private Physiotherapy Office, Self-Employed, Siatista, Greece

Background: The incidence of concussion which occurs in amateur or professional footballers may be underreported due to its classification definition. All factors which contribute to the risk of concussion report a vestibular and imbalance dysfunction. Though, management of athletes sustaining concussion injuries is complicated.

Purpose: This project aims to document and analyze the assessment tools and intervention strategies after reported injuries in the local football team over an extended period of time.

Methods: : During the year season 2016 to 2017 were reported 16 incidence of male footballers (17-30 years old) who had persistent symptoms of concussion such as dizziness, nausea, headaches, imbalance, vestibular and visual dysfunction and cervical pain. First of all, the clinical history along with the precise mechanism of injuries were examined and through cooperation with the doctor in a precise rehabilitation. The rehabilitation protocol was fluctuated from musculoskeletal to vestibular rehabilitation techniques and consisted of coordination exercises (Whitney and Herdman, 2007). Moreover, it was divided into specific stages consisting of three training sessions a week, (of 40 minute duration), and a minimum follow-up of eight to ten weeks. The first sessions aimed at minimum symptoms and balance thus last sessions aimed at postural education and range of motion exercises.

Results: : All players were initially evaluated approximately 32 days after the incidence. According to the Sensory Organization Test (P .025) the footballer's improved at any level. As a result, a targeted physical therapy evaluation, intervention and treatment may minimize post- concussion symptoms.

Conclusion(s): Although the incidence of concussion in professional football was related to the number of matches played, the outcome of our rehabilitation process and results suggested that an early diagnose of the injury or trauma and a combination of a vestibular and cervical program consist the most effective treatments to return athletes to the field expeditiously eliminating the risks of trauma recurrences.

Implications: Despite the high rate of dizziness and balance dysfunction in footballers who have had a concussion, there is a lack of standard treatment procedure (2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.) Thus, there is a need of well-structured and organized treatment evidence -based rehabilitation protocol.

Keywords: Physiotherapy, concussion, rehabilitation

Funding acknowledgements:
1.Griffiths MV. The incidence of auditory and vestibular concussion following minor head injury.
2.Physical therapy for central vestibular dysfunction

Topic: Sport & sports injuries

Ethics approval required: No
Institution: Ethical Committees of Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki
Ethics committee: Greece
Reason not required: All study participants, or their legal guardian, provided informed written consent prior to study enrollment.

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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