N.J. Molina Achury1, I.Q. Caicedo Molina2, Y.P. Rodríguez Herrera3, S.A. Cardozo Vesga4
1Colombian Association of Physiotherapy - National University of Colombia, Departamento del Movimiento Corporal Humano, Facultad de Medicina, Bogotá, Colombia, 2Colombian College Physiotherahists - National University of Colombia, Departamento Movimiento Corporal Humano - Facultad de Medicina, Bogotá, Colombia, 3Colombian Association of Physiotherapy - Colombian College of Physiotherapists, Coordinator of Management Systems, Bogotá, Colombia, 4Colombian Association of Physiotherapy Students - National University of Colombia, Departamento Movimiento Corporal Humano - Facultad de Medicina, Bogotá, Colombia

Background: The national physiotherapy organizations with other organizations who represents Colombian health professionals, organized an strategy called "Critical Monitoring", seeking to contribute to the pandemic attention, and describe the reality of the first-line health workers. Also an accompaniment strategy was carried out by phisiotherapy Organisations to denounce inadequate health and work conditions for its professionals.

Purpose: Promote the well-being conditions, health and safety at work for physiotherapists in the country who carry out their professional practice in the pandemic context.

Methods: From the Critical Monitoring, a survey was designed and applied to evaluate the health workers conditions during the pandemic; univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyzes were applied, contributing to the processes of monitoring and creating biosafety protocols with government entities, showing as result the non-compliance with wage payments the provision of personal protection elements (PPE) and attacks by the community.
From the physiotherapy organizations, a survey was created to report inadequate health and work conditions in COVID-19, with complaint type analysis made and a legal consultation, the rights to pettitions were sent to the workplaces, health and labor ministries, and control entities, with the respective case evidence. Each case was followed and the information expanded if it was necessary, until it was closed.

Results: The critical monitoring survey had 1571 participants, of which 217 were physiotherapists. This reflected a non-compliance with biosafety conditions in more than 30% of cases, aspects such as: specialized biosafety protocols, ventilation systems maintenance, personal hygiene spaces adaptation and the team work processes induction, among others.
Additionally, the PPE delivery delay is worthy of consideration, among them the most reported were: gloves (94.6%), aprons (76.7%), uniforms (63.6%), polainas (55.9%), face shields (54.3%), face masks N95 (49%).
Regarding the complaint form, 52 complaints were received about poor working conditions, showing: institutions failure to deliver PPE and biosafety protocols, contracts cancellation, non-payment of wages, contagion risk exposure with comorbidities presence. After carry out all the legal analysis, rights to pettitions were sent to workplaces, occupational risk managers, government and control entities; 40 of them had submitted supports according to requirements, only 2 cases had an specific legal response from the control entities.

Conclusion(s): Once evaluated the pandemic care biosafety index, the population with an indirect contract it was 54% average compliance, compared to 65%  decent contracting ways, almost a difference of 10% (p = 0.000).
The only variable that generated a significant impact to decrease the probability of infection was the adequate delivery of PPE, with a 30% decrease in risk.
To be effective, the complaints process depends on the control entities, the possibility of having evidence and is influenced by the fear of physiotherapists of losing their jobs.

Implications: Guarantee professionals well-being faces a legal and political framework that doesn´t favor the  health workers labor rights  in Colombia.

Funding, acknowledgements: none declared by the authors.

Keywords: coronavirus, physiotherapy, health and work

Topic: COVID-19

Did this work require ethics approval? No
Institution: Colombian Association of Physiotherapy
Committee: No
Reason: because it was developed as part of a union action that does not imply an investigation as a basis.

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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