Serrano Ruiz CP1, Casas Sànchez AS1, Patiño Segura MS1
1Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia

Background: In Colombia, due to the armed conflict, it is estimated that between 1981 and 2018 there were 11,615 victims of Antipersonnel Mines (APM) and Unexploded Ammunition (UXO). 39% correspond to civilian population, especially from rural areas and 70% have amputations, including Lower Limb (LL), that generate functional limitation in Activities of Daily Living (ADL). Standing and walking position are specially altered; there is physical and mental deterioration, as well as restrictions on social participation and affectation to victim´s quality of life and environment. One objective of rehabilitation is to improve functionality and educate both the amputees and their family group. Due to the difficulties in accessing health services, a tool used by physiotherapist is the Educational Materials (EM), as a support of interdisciplinary work in the rehabilitation team. In Colombia, there is brochure-type EM designed for amputees, but they do not consider all the victims´ specific needs and have not been validated by experts, or by the target population.

Purpose: Design and validate a functional educational material for victims of antipersonnel mines with lower limb amputation.

Methods: EM validation study was carried out in 3 stages: Preliminary design, validation (by experts and target population), and EM adjustments. Collection of the information was realized through Pan American Health Organization validation instruments of EM. Variables were: identification with the material, attractiveness, understanding and utility of the EM. For information analysis, measures of frequency and central tendency were used.

Results: EM´s design was carried out by 3 physiotherapists with master´s degree education. EM contains: generalities, pain management, prosthesis problems, and training in ADL, falls prevention, physical conditioning, support networks and bibliography. 19 LL amputees and 7 experts participated in validation. 100% of the amputees agreed with content. 100% of experts recommended some adjustments: expand pain management issues, and include transfers to various surfaces. In addition, it was recommended to modify the layout, summarize the most important ideas, decrease amount of text and include information organizers.

Conclusion(s): According to validation carried out, the EM designed requires some adjustments, but it is useful, understandable, and attractive and induces changes in target population´s actions.

Implications: With adjustments made this EM can be useful in rehabilitation of LL amputees victims of APM and UXO. This study is part of the project funded by Colciencias 58489, in peace construction area, habilitation and rehabilitation line.

Keywords: health education, rehabilitation, disabled persons

Funding acknowledgements: Thanks to those who participated in the validation and specially to the Universidad Industrial de Santander Research Seminar students.

Topic: Disability & rehabilitation; Musculoskeletal: lower limb; Education: clinical

Ethics approval required: Yes
Institution: Universidad Industrial de Santander
Ethics committee: Comité de Ética en Investigación Científica de la UIS
Ethics number: 9022018

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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