E. Palacio Durán1
1Universidad Simón Bolívar, Atlántico, Barranquilla, Colombia

Background: Currently, there are many factors responsible for the dehumanized care provided by healthcare workers. Physiotherapists are also a part of this practice and use a system where efficiency and cost control are paramount. Nowadays, the system has favored a preponderance of technical-administrative and financial aspects over the very essence of service provision, such as a warm and understanding relationship with the patient. Dehumanization has multiple aspects that need to be addressed from different perspectives, ranging from the family core, which is the foundation of any society, to higher education, where professionals are trained with the social responsibility to provide relevant solutions to the problems in their contexts.

Purpose: This study aimed to build a didactic proposal that enables humanized training in Health Sciences programs to address the weakening of the social and human fabric in healthcare-related contexts.

Methods: This research is framed in the historical-hermeneutic paradigm and uses the dialectical-hermeneutic method. The analysis was conducted using Excel, which allowed the triangulation and crossing of categories, facilitating the integration of categories that allowed the development of the didactic proposal as an option to solve the problem of dehumanization of healthcare. Techniques used for data collection included document review, nonparticipant observation, semistructured interviews, focus group interviews, and in-depth interviews involving teachers, students, managers, and authorities related to the subject. These tools cover the categories of didactics, training, and human sense, which are related to elements, such as content, goals, methods, teaching methods, and values.

Results: Based on the hermeneutic process, we established the baseline that supports the principles for humanized training. This represents the Humanistic Didactic Approach that seeks to address the problem of dehumanization of healthcare from an educational viewpoint. The most effective methods used for achieving this require student participation and teamwork. The emotional environment in which the learning processes are developed is essential for the student to develop the necessary values for humanized training, which must be based on empathetic relationships between teachers and students, where dialog, listening, and good treatment are prioritized in such a way that the tensions that humanity faces today can be addressed.

Conclusions: The Humanistic Didactic Approach is a method for addressing the issue of dehumanization in healthcare from education through didactic principles that focus on the state and operational components of didactics to strengthen students’ human senses and achieve the connotation and conviction of the values required to achieve empathetic, respectful, and supportive relationships in their intersubjective relationships.

Implications: The Humanistic Didactic Approach can be implemented in physiotherapy programs and contribute to the development of attitudes and values necessary to strengthen the human sensitivity of future professionals and contribute to the humanization of healthcare.

Funding acknowledgements: Universidad Simón Bolívar

Humanized education

Education: methods of teaching & learning

Did this work require ethics approval? No
Reason: This work addresses developments in education and not implies experimental or invasive methods.

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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