Education Standards (WPSEM-01)



World Physiotherapy has a portfolio of education activities and resources designed to raise standards globally. We have an education framework to guide the development of threshold competences for entry level physiotherapist education. This carries forward for continuing professional development. The recent publication of curriculum guidance further supports the development of programmes to deliver physiotherapists fit for the future.

Education is critical to workforce planning, professional autonomy, direct access and the development of new and emerging ways of working. The changing landscape of service delivery is also changing expectations around clinical practice education provision with new innovative experiences broadening options.

Delivering quality assured continuing professional development is vitally important in a competitive market where limited resources need to be used wisely.

Advancing education standards is also more than education delivery, it is about knowledge creation and curation.
  1. Understand more about the work of World Physiotherapy in advancing education
  2. Learn from experiences across different settings how policy and resources are put into action to bring about change
  3. Develop your understanding of quality assurance in education and your options in making critical choices that impact your professional development

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