J.K. Chawla1, S. Roy1, P. Kumar1, R. Sharma1
1Amity University, Amity Institute of Physiotherapy, Noida, India

Background: Psychological capacity (cognitive function) along with motor abilities( balance and quick reaction time) are required in sports players which thereby enhances their performance. Recently, Artificial intelligence-enabled games training and the use of complementary and alternative practices have gained popularity owing to their easy accessibility. This is limited research citing their beneficial effects on the athletic population.

Purpose: To investigate the effect of4-week intervention of dual-task training, yoga, and computer-based games on cognition, motor abilities, and reaction time on cricketers.

Methods: A total of sixty-six subjects participated in the study. The subjects were then randomly allocated into 3 groups( A, B and C). Cognition, motor abilities and reaction time were assessed and recorded at baseline and at the end of the 4-week intervention.Group A received dual-task training, Group B received yoga and Group C received computer-based games. Stroop colors and word test (SCWT) and trail making test (TMT) were used to assess the cognitive testing; static and dynamic balance Stork balance(SB) and four square step test (FSST) were used to test the motor abilities and ruler drop test (RDT) was used to measure the reaction time. Data was analysed using excel (Microsoft, 2019 version 16.50). One-way Anova was used for between-groups analysis and Paired t-test were used for with-in-group analysis. The statistical significance difference was set at p<0.05 for all the test performed.

Results: Yoga training program intervention done for 4 weeks showed significant improvement in cognition, motor abilities, and reaction time(p<0.05). Group A underwent dual-task training and observed significant improvement in cognition which was measured through TMT. Furthermore, group C practiced computer-based games training and showed significant improvement in reaction time only. Additionally, the between-group analysis revealed that participants of Group B practicing yoga showed the most significant improvement in all three domains.

Conclusions: This is the first study that highlights the beneficial effects of complementary and alternative practices like yoga in improving cognition function and sports-specific skills. Further, the study promotes that the use of artificial intelligence- assistive technologies like computer-based games can be an alternative solution when compliance with regular physical training especially in pandemic-like situations becomes difficult.

Implications: The performance of players in most team sports is based on cognition function, and motor abilities such as reaction time, quick decision making, attention, and memory. Good cognitive function can help players in carrying out technical sports-specific skills. The practice of yoga overall mental well-being, thereby preventing injuries. Thus, the combined effect of these techniques will improve physical and psychological health.

Funding acknowledgements: NIL

Cognition, reaction time, cognition games
motor abilities, yoga, dual task
Indian Cricketers, computer based games

Sport & sports injuries
Health promotion & wellbeing/healthy ageing/physical activity
Innovative technology: information management, big data and artificial intelligence

Did this work require ethics approval? Yes
Institution: Amity Institute of Physiotherapy
Committee: Institutional Ethics Committee, Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh
Ethics number: NTCC/MPT- SportsMed/21-22/Nov 2021/05 and CTRI/2022/02/040439

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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