Houngbedji G.M.1
1University of Abomey-Calavi, Faculty of Health Science, Cotonou, Benin

Background: Lumbar spinal stenosis is very common in daily clinical practice. It symptomatology includes the classic signs (pain, neurogenic claudication, radicular signs) associated with morphological changes. The care of these patients, mobilizes a multidisciplinary team and various therapeutic means in adequacy with the patient´s clinical profile. The conservative treatment by physical therapy is often evoked in first intension and need of surgery is evaluated after 3 months training period.

Purpose: To assess the impact of hydrotherapy based on spine functional restoration exercises in the patient with lumbar spinal stenosis.

Methods: This is a prospective descriptive and Analytic study of 35 eligible patients with confirmed lumbar spinal stenosis followed in the PMR clinic of CNHU Cotonou over six (6) months (August 2011 to January 2012). Treatment consists of exercises leading to functional restoration of the spine to do in hydrotherapy, postural education and training to the effort for six (6) weeks.

Results: The mean age was 53.28 ± 11.13 years with a female predominance of 74% (sex-ratio 0.34); 64.8% have morbid obesity; around one patient to two (48.6%) was civil servant; 54.28% reported strong pain and all neurogenic claudication in the early of the physical therapy. The treatment improved patient’s pain (Z=-5.31; p 0.0001); spinal flexibility (t=10.84, ddl=34, p 0.0001), strength and muscular endurance and the morphology disorder such as scoliosis attitude (Z= -3.46, p=0.001), posterior suspended attitude of the trunk (Z=-4.12, p 0.0001). The patients regained significantly their functional ability (t=7.92; ddl=34; p 0.0001) assessed with Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale in 74.29% after 15 sessions of physiotherapy.

Conclusion(s): Hydrotherapy based on spine functional restoration exercises improve the patient’s clinical statement and daily life and consequently delays the surgical treatment in lumbar spinal stenosis.

Implications: To contribute to the therapeutic decision in the patients with lumbar spinal stenosis.

Funding acknowledgements: No funding. No conflict of interest.

Topic: Disability & rehabilitation

Ethics approval: The study received approval from the authorities of CNHU de Cotonou.

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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