N. Eleryan1, R. Hemming1,2, V. Sparkes1,2, L. Sheeran1,2
1Cardiff Univeristy, School of Healthcare Sciences, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 2Cardiff Univeristy, Biomechanics and Bioengineering Research Centre Versus Arthritis, Cardiff, United Kingdom

Background: Musicians are chronically exposed to continuous and repeated physical movements, making them susceptible to developing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) that may impair their ability to perform. Recent research suggests that offering high-quality self-management interventions (SMIs) can be effective in assisting people with MSD in occupational settings. However, there is limited information about the effect of SMIs on MSD in musicians.

Purpose: This review aimed to 1) explore the effect of SMIs on MSDs in musicians and their ability to perform and 2) explore intervention characteristics/features that may be associated with beneficial outcomes. This includes characteristics/features such as the frequency, duration, mode of delivery and methods that promote adherence and/or compliance with the intervention.

Methods: The scoping review methodology was guided by the Johanna Briggs Institute framework. A 3-step systematic search was conducted in Embase, CINAHL, AMED, Music Index, RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, and ProQuest. Studies in English, both published and unpublished grey literature, that included SMIs for professional and student instrumental musicians aged 18 and older were eligible for inclusion. Interventions had to promote active involvement of individuals in managing their condition with the aim of preventing long-term disability and restoring the ability to perform. The search results were reported in a PRISMA Flow Diagram.Relevant information from the included studies were extracted and summarised by two reviewers.

Results: Of the 147 studies full-text articles identified, 36 met the inclusion criteria. Most of the studies used a quantitative design with 28 being interventional studies and 5 observational studies. Interventions were predominantly health education and exercise programmes, including strength/endurance exercises and yoga. Strength and endurance exercises targeting the neck, shoulders and back had similar positive effects on playing-related pain (PRP). There were fewer reports on musical performance (7 studies), with some (5 out of 7) reporting improvements in the rate of self-perceived physical exertion during playing music. The frequency and duration of the interventions varied, with the shortest lasting 15 minutes and the longest lasting 1 year. The frequency ranged from once to three times weekly, with sessions/classes lasting 45 minutes to 2 hours. The majority of the interventions were delivered in supervised group sessions. Six studies used digital health interventions (DHIs), either as a standalone method of intervention delivery or to promote independent application after exercises had been demonstrated. The studies that used DHIs achieved consistent improvements in PRP and reported high adherence rates. Only one study used an evidence-based theoretical framework to inform intervention development.

Conclusions: Exercise-based SMIs demonstrated improvements in PRP and physical exertion in musicians with MSDs. DHIs had a positive effect on treatment outcomes and promoted adherence to the intervention. Further research is needed to develop and evaluate appropriate theoretical frameworks for intervention development and to explore the use of DHIs. Finally, this study is limited by the exclusion of non-English language studies and the lack of critical appraisal.

Implications: Although exercise-based SMIs may be beneficial, successful rehabilitation for musicians involves restoring at least a basic level of professional performance. This should be considered in both clinical practice and future research.

Funding acknowledgements: None

Musculoskeletal disorders
Self-management interventions

Occupational health & ergonomics
Health promotion & wellbeing/healthy ageing/physical activity

Did this work require ethics approval? No
Reason: Ethical approval is not required as the abstract submitted is for a scoping review.

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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