Navann P1, Samkol U2, Denver G3, Song S4
1Physical Rehabiliation Center Kampong Speu, Physiotherapy, Kampong Speu, Cambodia, 2Physical Rehabiliation Center Kampong Speu, Director, Kampong Speu, Cambodia, 3International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Physical Rehabilitation Programme Manager, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 4International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Rehabilitation Standards Project Manager, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Background: Stroke is the third cause of motaility rate and the first cause of acquired adult disability in the world. Cambodia found the need of stroke rehabilitation as priority for ministry of health. Physiotherapy is one of the key profession among interdisciplinary stroke rehabilitation to restore and maintain activity of daily living for persons with post-stroke. Physiotherapy interventions found significantly effective in recovery of functional independence of post-stroke. However, there is no evidence to prove the effective of physiotherapy intervention on persons with post-stroke in Cambodia.

Purpose: This study is aim to assess the effectiveness of the physiotherapy intervention on persons with post stroke through Kampong Speu physical rehabilitation center.

Methods: Among 50 persons with post-stroke registered in rehabilitation centres in a period of January to July 2018, only 12 participants were eliginable and had full scores (baseline and discharge data) for the study. The participants received physiotherapy intervention including stretching, strengthening exercises, paddle cycling for upper limbs and lower limbs, motor relearning program and gait training at the center. Outcomes were measured using an ICRC-developed score consisting of three domains body structure and function domain (consists of 4 sub-domains) and daily live activites (consists of 10 sub-domains) and functional mobility domain (consists of 4 sub-domains) were used in this study. Each sub-domain is scored with three scales ( 5 for normal, 2.5 for moderately deficient and 0 for severely deficient; for single leg tests it is 2.5-1.25-0 for each side). A paired t-test examined the difference between the chagng scores and Linear regression was used to identify factors potentially associated with changes in score of the domains.

Results: All 12 participants had mean age of 58.5 (±12.98) and mean treatment day of 63.41 (±66.34). 10 (83%) were men, 12 (100%) were married. There was statistically significant increased the mean total score of three domains (p-value= 0.0067) after receiving physiotherapy services. These improvement was also statistically significant found at body structure and function domain (p-value=0.0054) and daily live activities domain (p-value= 0.0154). Age group, gender and marital status were not associated to improvement of the total mean score.

Conclusion(s): Physical therapy intervention shown improvement of persons with strokes, particularly body structure and function and daily live activities.

Implications: Physical therapy intervention should be available at both medical rehabilitation and physical rehabilitation centers and this services should be provided as soon after Stroke as possible to increase its effectiveness on daily live activities and may lead to improve their quality of life.

Keywords: Physiotheray, Stroke Rehabilitation, Outcome Measurement

Funding acknowledgements: This study was supported by the International Committee of the Red Cross in collaboration with Kampong Speu PRC, Cambodia.

Topic: Neurology: stroke; Neurology: stroke; Outcome measurement

Ethics approval required: No
Institution: International Committee of the Red Cross
Ethics committee: Physical Rehabilitation Center Kampong Speu
Reason not required: This study was not submitted to the National Ethics Committee for Human Reseach, but Kampong Speu PRC managers provided their acceptances through emails on implementing this study and ICRC gave clearance from ethical approval as routinely collected retrospective anonymised data were used for analysis

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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