Amador E.1, Montealegre L.2
1Universidad Libre de Colombia, Facultad Ciencias de la Salud, Barranquilla, Colombia, 2Universidad Libre, Atlantico, Barranquilla, Colombia

Background: The motor learning is an important step for academic learning. Childrens can`t work skills of reading and hand writing, if they don`t a good spatial orientation, good eye movements and an appropriate fine motor skills, the development of hand-eye coordination is essential for learning and development of school children during first years. The reading and handwriting require the development of this motor perceptual skill, ensuring school success in this period of childhood. In some children are skill had had a poor development, which could manifest as learning disorders. An increasing number of children with school failure for this reason. Childish game are therapeutic tools that allows intervention at early age inside the school. For the above reasons, the researchers asked the question: Is the childesh game Pirigrim a therapeutic strategy to potentiate the eye-hand coordination and improve the performance of reading and handwriting?

Purpose: Identify the effects of peregrine childish game as potentiator of eye hand coordination and performance improvement process reading and handwriting in school-age children.

Methods: It was a descriptive, cross-sectional. The population study was 183 children attending a school in Barranquilla city, who met the inclusion criteria; the sample was obtained with a simple random sampling 143 children, of which 62.2% were female and 37.8% were male. The age of participants was between 5y 1mo and 7 4mo old. It was used as an instrument the VMI Beery Bucktenica test hand-eye coordination and the piligrim childish game. VMI test was applied and assessed the reading-handwriting before and after the intervention performance. For intervention children were grouped according to age, and received training with the strange play for 40 daily sessions lasting one minute per child for 20 days.

Results: The results indicate that with the application of the pilgrim childish game it was observed significant changes in visual-motor coordination (CVM) 48% of the children improved p = 0.017, while only 10% of children improved in the reading-writing performance p = 0.069.

Conclusion(s): It is concluded that the piligrim chilidsh game power motor behavior in children school promoting the development of perceptual motor skills such as eye-hand coordination, improving the performance of reading and handwriting, ensuring the success of primary learning. It is important continue this line of research that strengthens the actions of Physical Theraphist at school environments.

Implications: The results of this work will allow the implementation of therapeutic actions through directed childish game within the school environment, strengthening the participation of the physical therapist in this environment. It also allows you to manage programs for early intervention of learning problems, thereby minimizing the prevalence of school failure.

Funding acknowledgements: The study was financed for Libre University of Barranquilla City from Colombia country.

Topic: Paediatrics

Ethics approval: This study took into account ethical considerations and respective permissions. Parents of children signed informed consent.

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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