Kabir MF1,2, Chakrovorty SK2,3
1Jessore University of Science and Technology, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Jessore, Bangladesh, 2University of Dhaka, Physiotherapy, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 3BHPI, CRP, Savar, Dhaka, Physiotherapy, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Background: Low Back pain is a significant health condition globally suffered by the middle and older aged population (Volinn, 1997; Van-Tulder, et al., 1995) due to its impact on work disability, absenteeism and costs (Dagenais, et al., 2008). Physiotherapy including mobilization, manipulation, exercises therapy and electrotherapy is the choice of treatment as conservative management whereas surgery is required in case of advanced neurological involvement. Spinal Manual Therapy (SMT) is considered a potential effective intervention for patients with chronic low back pain, (Chou, et al., 2007) different theories and mechanisms of action for SMT are still under discussion (Paris, 1983; Fabio, 1992; Hoy, et al., 2012). Specific level induced spinal mobilization has greater impact to correct the faulty biomechanics of spinal column (Hsieh, et al., 2002) whereas generalized spinal mobilization has also effective for the management of mechanical spinal pain (Oliveira, et al., 2013).

  • To find out the Effects of Region-Specific Spinal Manual Therapy in clients with chronic nonspecific Low Back Pain.
  • To find out the Effects of Non-Region-Specific Spinal Manual Therapy in clients with chronic nonspecific Low Back Pain.
  • To compare the effects of Region-Specific and Non-Region Specific Spinal Manual Therapy in clients with chronic nonspecific Low Back Pain.
  • To find out the pre and post test disability of both group of clients.

Methods: Experimental Research Design with simple random sampling used in this study for find out the results of region specific and non-region specific spinal manual therapy of 20-55 years of aged peoples with pre and post-test basis.

Results: The study showed as within group analysis that both region specific and non-region specific spinal manual therapy is effective to reduce pain and back disability for low back pain patient whereas between group results showed that region specific SMT is highly significantly effective rather than non-region specific SMT for back pain patients. Within group and between group results showed that the P 0.05 which mean it's strongly significant and reject the null hypothesis and accept alternative hypothesis.

Conclusion(s): Region specific SMT is highly effective than non-region specific SMT for LBP patients whereas individually both group of treatment is significantly effective. The results of this study are pursuing the effects of region specific and non-region specific spinal manual therapy for 10 session's intervention effects whereas its unknown the long term effects so it should be follow-up research study of these interventions that would be more valid.

Implications: This study encouraged the physiotherapists for getting manual therapy training and enhance smart manual therapy practice globally which make more professional standardization.

Keywords: Region Specific Spinal Manual Therapy, Non-Region Specific Spinal Manual Therapy, Chronic LBP

Funding acknowledgements: Self Funding as it was my Masters of Physiotherapy Academic Requirements

Topic: Musculoskeletal: spine

Ethics approval required: Yes
Institution: Institutional Review Board, BHPI, CRP, Savar, Dhaka
Ethics committee: Its the valid ethical committee approved by the authoruity
Ethics number: Maximum ethical issued was maintained

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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