Takano Y1, Matsuse H2, Tsukada Y2, Omoto M2, Hashida R2, Bekki M2, Shiba N2
1International University Health and Welfare, Department of Physical Therapy School of Health Sciences at Fukuoka, Okawa, Japan, 2Kurume University, Division of Rehabilitation, Kurume, Japan

Background: It is well-known that muscle strength and physical activities decrease due to ageing. We developed the hybrid training system (HTS) method for strengthening muscles. The HTS method is a resistance exercise method that combines voluntary concentric muscle contractions with electrically stimulated eccentric muscle contractions. Walking exercise is widely used as an aerobic exercise method for improving physical fitness. However, walking exercise does not improves muscle strength.

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the newly developed the HTS method on muscle strength and physical activities in older adults.

Methods: The subjects were recruited by posters displayed in local community centers. Of a total of 14 community-dwelling healthy older adults. The 14 subjects (69.1 ± 3.9 yr) performed walking exercise for 30 min per session 3 times a week for 12 weeks. The both quadriceps and hamstrings are alternately electrically stimulated in accordance with the gait phase of each foot during walking. At the point before and after the research respectively, maximal isokinetic torque knee-flexors (KF) and knee-extensors (KE) at 60° second using BIODEX SYSTEM 3 PRO (Biodex Medical Systems Inc., Shirley, NY, USA) and physical activities (10-meter maximal gait speed, chair-stand test-5times, timed up and go test and 6-minute walking) were measured. The test data before and after the exercise were compared and analyzed by using a paired t-test by the SPSS ver21J.

Results: All the 14 subjects completed the training sessions, not giving up and with no injury. Significant improvements were shown in the maximal isokinetic torques of KF (+37%) and KE (+42%), and physical activities of 10-meter maximal gait speed (-7%), chair-stand test-5times (-18%), timed up and go test (-9%) and 6-minute walking (+6%).

Conclusion(s): These results indicate that the HTS method improved muscle strength and physical activities without adverse effects. The HTS method may become a safe, effective method of muscle strength training. Therefore, Walking exercise using the HTS method may be a more effective training method for muscle strengthening and physical activities than conventional walking exercise in healthy older adults.

Implications: We developed a novel training method using the HTS method during walking could be used to prevent decrease of muscle strength and physical activities as one of training methods for older adults.

Keywords: walking exercise ,electrical stimulation ,older adults

Funding acknowledgements: The present work was supported by Panasonic Corporation.

Topic: Electrophysical & isothermal agents; Electrophysical & isothermal agents; Older people

Ethics approval required: Yes
Institution: International University Health and Welfare
Ethics committee: International University Health and Welfare
Ethics number: 13-Io-124

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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