Félix M.A.1, Grasel J.L.1
1Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS, Health School. Physical Therapy Course, São Leopoldo, Brazil

Background: Aging brings changes on body functions and increase vulnerability to disease and leads to a a fall in the elderly functionality. Functionality is committed in the presence of disease, but also is influenced by contextual factors, according to International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).

Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate epidemiological profile of the functionality of seniors assigned in a Basic Health Unit in São Leopoldo at the perspective of ICF.

Methods: Cross-sectional observational study of 148 elderly subjects was performed. The subejcts answered t a questionnaire based on CIF, including socio-demographic status, body functions (18 questions), activity and social participation (25 questions), contextual factors (7 questions on barriers or negative factors and 15 questions on activities or positve factors) Descriptive analysis included absolute (Fi) and relative (Fri) frequencies, means and standard deviations, using Microsoft Office Excel 2010® program. For statistical analysis the correlation between the number of affected body functions, number of limited activities and restrictions in social participation activities, number of positive contextual factors - the absence of barriers counted as a positive factor - age and family income using Spearman´s correlation coefficient (p = 0.05). Analyzes were performed using SPSS software, version 22.

Results: Sample size was calculated adopting 95% confidence level with a sampling error of 7%, resulting in a sample size of 142 individuals. The demographic characteristics of the sample showed: female (59.46%), mean age of 70.84 ± 7.75 years, white (45.3%), married (52%), retired (69.9% ) and incomplete primary education (64.2%). The functions that were more altered were: visual functions, circulatory functions, sensory function of pain, mental functions and joint functions. The most limited activities were those involving physical mobility, followed by household activities and finally self-care. Positive contextual factors that stood out were the attitudes of health professionals and regular use of health services and the negatives were landforms, geographic changes made by man. There was a moderate correlation between the number of functions altered and limited activities.

Conclusion(s): The use of epidemiological tool for diagnosis in Physiotherapy identifies body function deficiencies and related restrictive activity and participation.. However, positive contextual factors were present specially in individuals with more limitations and altered functions. This suggest that individuals that have more limitations have self attitudes and those around them to try to reduce these limitations.

Implications: The use of epidemiological tool for diagnosis is an element of the care management process in health and should be consistent with the ICF language. It is a label that encompasses a range of health conditions of a population that identifies the multidimensionality proposal from the perspective of functionality. This study contributes to this discussion.

Funding acknowledgements: No financial support.

Topic: Primary health care

Ethics approval: Approved by the Ethics Committee in Research of Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (number 14/071). Infomed Consent Form.

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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