Moser ADL1, Silva TG1, Souza GN1, Teigão FCM1, Thomé BI1, Carvalho DR1, Oswald Scharan K2
1Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Polytechnic School, Curitiba, Brazil, 2Pontifical Catholic University of Parana, Program of Health Technology, Curitiba, Brazil

Background: Increased life expectancy is usually accompanied by chronic noncommunicable diseases, as well as reduced functional capacity, cognitive decline, fragility syndrome and deterioration of anthropometric parameters, particularly in those living in long-term institutions. The functionality of an individual refers to the ability of the individual to perform habitual activities of daily living, which decline is associated with mortality in this age group. Therefore, identifying the indicators of functionality of the institutionalized elderly and verifying their possible relation with other biopsychosocial aspects is important for adequate care in long-term institutions.

Purpose: To identify functionality indicators and to relate them to the biopsychosocial variables of institutionalized elderly.

Methods: Descriptive quantitative study by mining in a database with information of 82 elderly of 4 institutions, sociodemographic variables, questionnaire score: Barthel, dependence scale, Downton, fall risk assessment, Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA), assessment of nutritional status, World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS 2.0), functional assessment and WHOQOL BREF - World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL Bref), quality of life assessment, constituting 21 variables. For data mining, we used the WEKA 3.8 program, J48 algorithm for the discovery of data on the functionality records obtained by WHODAS 2.0 (focus variable). By means of the algorithm Apriori Borgelt the association rules were inferred.

Results: The best scores of the physical domain of quality of life have been associated with good levels of functionality in the elderly with ≤73 years. From the perspective of a poor physical domain, the psychic domain of general quality of life revealed greater influence on functionality. Of the elderly with mild disability, 43% were older than 73 years. The association rule involving WHODAS 2.0 was, if age range from 70 years to 79 years then risk of malnutrition, but if age range from 70 years to 79 years plus severe disability then malnutrition nutritional status.

Conclusion(s): The physical domain of general quality of life was the indicator of functionality with greater impact on the elderly, some of its facets being physical well-being, sleep quality and rest, mobility and activities of daily living. The 73-year-old age and the psychic domain were the other two variables with greater association, showing that the advancement of the years implies the reduction of functional capacity and the emotional, cognitive and motivational incentives have an impact on the general health of this population. It was observed that the better nutritional status implies better functional capacity.

Implications: The obtained results can help the health team of the institution to define practices of assistance and approaches that are more appropriate to the stimulation and maintenance of the functionality and quality of life of this population. Promoting the improvement of nutritional status and prioritizing activities that contribute to the improvement of the physical and psychological domains of quality of life may reduce the cognitive and functional losses due to aging.

Keywords: functionality, data mining, institutionalized elderly

Funding acknowledgements: This project is funded by the researchers themselfs.

Topic: Information management, technology & big data; Older people; Robotics & technology

Ethics approval required: Yes
Institution: Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná
Ethics committee: Ethic Committee of the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná
Ethics number: 852833

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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