R.A. Steenbruggen1,2, M. Maas1,3, T.J. Hoogeboom1, P. Brand4,5, P. van der Wees1
1Radboudumc, IQ Healthcare, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2Saxion, School of Health, Enschede, Netherlands, 3HAN, Institute of Allied Health Studies, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 4University Medical Centre Groningen, Medical Education, Groningen, Netherlands, 5Isala Clinic, Medical Education, Zwolle, Netherlands

Background: In previous research, we identified quality aspects for hospital-based physiotherapy both in the eyes of hospital-based physiotherapists and their key stakeholders: patients, medical specialists, hospital managers, executive boards and co-treating professionals. We also noted that globally expanding accreditation instruments to measure quality such as JCI or Qmentum mainly focus on hospital policy and procedures and do not specifically cover a profession such as hospital-based physiotherapy. These instruments do not allow systematic quality improvement of hospital-based physiotherapy departments.This justifies the need for a tailored quality improvement (QI) framework for hospital-based physiotherapy.

Purpose: The aim of this study is to gain insight into which QI methods could form the design of a QI framework, as a foundation for a system to improve the quality of hospital-based physiotherapy in the Netherlands, by combining the insights of hospital-based physiotherapists and their key stakeholders.

Methods: A multidisciplinary panel of six representatives of hospital-based physiotherapy and their key stakeholders (patients, medical specialists, hospital management and professional association) was set up. We used brainwriting to sample ideas and the ‘decision-matrix’ to select the best ideas.

Results: The first round of brainwriting with an online panel of six experienced participants yielded consensus on seven possible methods for quality improvement of hospital-based physiotherapy:
(1) continuing education,
(2) feedback on patient-reported experience measures and patient-reported outcome measures,
(3) a quality passport with portfolio,
(4) peer observation and feedback,
(5) 360-degree feedback,
(6) a management information system, and
(7) intervision with intercollegiate evaluation.
Placing these methods in a decision matrix against four criteria (measurability, acceptability, impact, accessibility) resulted in a slight preference for a management information system, with an almost equal preference for five other methods immediately thereafter. The least preference was given to 360-degree feedback.

Conclusions: In the design of a framework for improving the quality of hospital-based physiotherapy, all seven suggested methods were perceived as relevant but differed in terms of advantages and disadvantages. This suggests that, within the framework, a mixture of these methods may be desirable to even out respective advantages and disadvantages.

Implications: The results of this study, summarised in the design of a framework for quality of hospital-based physiotherapy, provide a foundation to develop a quality system for hospital-based physiotherapy. For example, a national professional association for physiotherapy can use this framework to develop such a quality system.

Funding acknowledgements: none

Hospital-based physiotherapy
Quality improvement
Design-based research

Professional issues
Education: continuing professional development
Education: methods of teaching & learning

Did this work require ethics approval? No
Reason: Convening and consulting a voluntary expert panel is deemed unnecessary for ethics approval according to Dutch legislation (Law on Medical-Scientific Research with human beings, section 1, article 1). All methods were carried out in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations in the declaration of Helsinki - Ethics approval and consent to participate section. All panel members provided written informed consent.

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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