M. Balaganapathy1, P. Divya1
1Charotar University of Science & Technology, Ashok & Rita Patel Institute of Physiotherapy, Anand, India

Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterized by persistent joint inflammation as well as cartilage and bone damage along with significant limitations in movement and reduced quality of life. The disease affects 0.5-1% of the population between the ages of 35 and 55. It is most common among Indians, with an incidence of 0.75%. Exercise program under supervision for short duration have high adherence but HEP not have similar adherence. Adherence to exercise is important for treatment and its effectiveness. There is a need of study to integrate different adherence support strategies which may prevent some of them to seek out primary care despite being severely affected. According to NICE guidelines for 2015, Strengthening and Stretching for Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Hand (SARAH). The has been translated in many languages. In Gujarat state, it is difficult to understand and follow intervention material (programme) which is available in English that may cause a bridge. In order to increase adherence and for utilisation of this exercise programme it must be translated into Gujarati language for better understanding.

Purpose: To assess the usefulness and understanding of the Gujarati SARAH and to evaluate the Gujarati version of SARAH’s Adherence to exercises.

Methods: A Mixed method Qualitative Study Design was chosen to review the usefulness and understanding of Gujarati SARAH as well as to assess adherence to exercise of SARAH at home followed by Convenient Sampling. Data collection was done in 2 phases. In Quantitative data the number of days they exercised over the course of 12-week period descriptive statistics analysed using IBM SPSS software 23.0.and in Qualitative Data Individual semi-structured interviews with open -ended based on Interview-Guide following telephonic interview method. Analysis using Interpretative Phenomenological Approach by using (QSR, NVivo Plus Version 11).

Results: Total number of 25 participants the entire adherence rate (97 %) according to descriptive data. The maximum number of individuals of finished sessions (100%, N=7) and least number (38%, N=28), session’s average score is (62%). Qualitative data found it is an Understandable and useful and benefited in many ways in term of ADLs,
QOLand Occupation.

Conclusions: This study discovered the utility and understanding of the Gujarati SARAH. It has been proven to be effective and beneficial to patients who exercise at home. Exercise dairy has been discovered to be one of the strategies by which patients can self-track their exercise is cost effective and attendance at clinic sessions as people do at home by using booklet.

Implications: It can help in practice of patients.

Funding acknowledgements: No funding

Rheumatoid arthritis, adherence
Hand exercises

Musculoskeletal: upper limb
Professional practice: other

Did this work require ethics approval? Yes
Institution: Charotar University of Science & Technology
Committee: IEC - CHARUSAT
Ethics number: CHA/IEC/ADM/22/01/020.4

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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