F. Hegazy1,2, E. Aboelnasr3,2, M. Abuzaid4, W. Elshami4, H. Tekin4
1University of Sharjah, Department of Physiotherapy, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 2Cairo University, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo, Egypt, 3Social Services Department, Government of Sharjah, Senior Citizens Physiotherapy and Rehabilitaion Center, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 4University of Sharjah, Medical Diagnostic Imaging Department, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Background: The physiotherapy profession is undergoing a fundamental change because of the integration of advanced technologies, specifically artificial intelligence (AI) applications. Currently, AI is a significant opportunity to improve professional success and performance. Integration of AI in healthcare offers unique opportunities to improve patient care outcomes, decision making, professional performance, and reduce costs. Analyzing the current state of AI is a critical first step toward its integration into physiotherapy practice.

Purpose: This study aimed to assess physiotherapist (PT) perceptions, knowledge, and willingness to accept AI implementation.

Methods: An exploratory cross-sectional online questionnaire was conducted for PT working in Unite Arab Emirates (UAE) from October to December 2021. A previously validated survey gathered the participant's demographic information, perceptions, knowledge, readiness, and challenges of integrating AI into practice.

Results: The results showed a considerable lack of knowledge among PT about AI. Most of the participants appreciated the role of AI applications and expected it would play a significant role in practice. Participants indicated the lack of educational resources and proper training as the main challenges for AI integration. Participants expressed a strong desire to incorporate AI into undergraduate and graduate programs. The excitement about integrating AI in physiotherapy practice requires an effort to provide education and training for students and professionals. Physiotherapists were worried that the job disturbance could be released with proper preparations to improve awareness about the AI role and challenges.

Conclusions: Implementation of AI into PT practice will shape the future of healthcare delivery and education of physiotherapists. AI will make a faster diagnosis, better performance, and accurate results for patients and providers. Even at this early stage of AI implementation in physiotherapy, AI application raises questions and increase expectations.

Implications: The integration of AI into physiotherapy practice will continue to pique interest. The authors suggest preparing educational materials, instructional training, and workshops from verified sources rather than medical companies and vendors.
Knowledge gained from this study will alarm the UAE educational institutions and professional bodies to plan strategies to support AI integration. Universities and continuous education centers can cover the current lack of knowledge, skills, and local learning resources by designing education courses for students and professionals . UAE government recognizes the positive impact of deploying AI in service delivery. Therefore, the government is encouraging the acceleration of AI adoption through strategic partnerships with local and international organizations. In addition, the government supports the healthcare sector to prepare improvement plans and educational programs to incorporate AI into practice. AI integrated into the healthcare delivery system, confirmed as cleverer than human beings, and will gradually take over some health professional tasks. Integrating AI in physiotherapy in clinical practice will improve PT performance and provide better diagnostic abilities. Therefore, it is vital that physiotherapists actively engage in AI education and training and determine the needs for future implementations. The challenge for AI interaction in PT practice will improve the interaction between humans and machines and increase human capacity.

Funding acknowledgements: Not Applicable

Artificial intelligence
Deep learning
Physiotherapy Practice

Innovative technology: information management, big data and artificial intelligence
Professional practice: other
Professional issues

Did this work require ethics approval? Yes
Institution: University of Sharjah
Committee: Research and ethics committee
Ethics number: (REC), "REC-20-05-06-01".

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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