Höppner H1, Beck E-M2, Kuehnast P1
1Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences, Physiotherapy / Occupational Therapy, Berlin, Germany, 2Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences, Health Care Professionals - Bachelor Interprofessional Care and Management, Berlin, Germany

Background: The systemic integration of physiotherapists into the German health care system currently appears disruptive: e.g. career evasion, the challenge of adapting regulations to the needs of an aging society as well as demands for evidence based practice and better remuneration are current issues. A campaign THERAPIST AT THE LIMIT started in spring of 2018. The call was made by physiotherapists who submitted 1300 letters of complaint to the German Minister of Healthcare. In very personal letters, the therapists reported on their work situation, perspectives on physiotherapy and the inadequate health care structures.

Purpose: This study analyzed the data generated by the personal letters to gain insight into the current situation of physiotherapists. Against the backdrop of an Inclusive Physiotherapy perspective (Höppner 2018), questions of the inclusion or exclusion of physiotherapy in the German health care system are being discussed.

Methods: Qualitative methods were used to evaluate the letters using the content analysis by Mayring. Categories were formed and analyzed with reference to a literature review, and then applied to the situation of physiotherapy in the German health care system.

Results: The subjective perspectives of physiotherapists contribute to an increased understanding of the situation of physiotherapists in the German system. In addition, possible measures, opportunities and action alternatives were identified to support the profession. The aim is to further provide physiotherapy to the general public (i.e. inclusive physiotherapy). The lack of therapists leads to the exclusion of physiotherapy services to the public. The current working related conditions confront physiotherapists with existential barriers to meet the current need for highquality patient care and to fulfill the care mandate.

Conclusion(s): The study illustrates the concrete need to adapt these conditions for physiotherapists in terms of recognition and adequate integration of this health profession into the German health care system.

Implications: The leading perspective of Inclusive Physiotherapy (Höppner 2018) will thus be further developed empirically.

Keywords: Inclusive Physiotherapy, integration, German health care system

Funding acknowledgements: Non funding.

Topic: Globalisation: health systems, policies & strategies

Ethics approval required: No
Institution: Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences
Ethics committee: Ethic Commission of the Alice Salomon University of Applied Science
Reason not required: Written appeals, in the form of letters and statements from physiotherapists who presented their professional situation, were given to the initiator of the Initiative THERAPIST AT THE LIMIT Schneider H for the purpose of transfer of all letters to the Minister of Health. This was done deliberately with a request for publicity. In June 2018 Schneider H reinsured of the authors will by e-mail and blog. No one has objected to the disclosure in anonymous form.

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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