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C. Teles1, A. Ramalho1, J. Gameiro1, J. Bernardino1, T. Marçal1, C.R. Silva1, A.A. Lopes1
1Alcoitão School of Health Sciences, Lisboa, Portugal

Background: Portugal is one of the European Union countries with the lowest rate of Physical Activity (PA), with only 40% of the population being active. During the university period, there is an increased autonomy and decision-making among students, and changes in life habits, usually associated with a decrease in PA practice. In percentage terms, 30% of university students are considered physically inactive. There are few studies on PA levels in higher education students, namely in the Physiotherapy degree, and even less that relate this topic to the imposed containment measures, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Purpose: Description and comparison of the PA levels of students enrolled in the 1st year of a Physiotherapy degree, in a Health School, in the academic year 2019/2020. Understand if there are differences in the practice of PA, at different times of the school year, one of which is the quarantine period.

Methods: Data were collected using the “International Physical Activity Questionnaire” (IPAQ), in its short version. It was shared in online format in 3 moments (academic period without evaluations, exam period and online classes / social isolation), being a longitudinal study.

Results: Physiotherapy students seem to be active regarding the parameter of PA frequency. With online classes, there was an increase in the level of PA in 20% of students compared to the school period without assessments, with 14.3% being raised to a high level of PA. The high percentage of students (42.9%) who maintained a high PA level should be highlighted. There was a significant difference from the 1st to the 2nd moment, at the IPAQ level, with a decrease in PA (p = 0.03) with the exam period.

Conclusion(s): In the exam period, although the workload on the schedule is shorter, there seems to have been a decrease in PA levels. In a situation of confinement, aspects are presumed to have been removed, which in a normal situation would compromise the practice of PA, leading to better results in some of the variables under study. Thus, the quarantine period does not appear to have had a negative impact on PA. The objective of this study was achieved, establishing a starting point for the assessment of PA levels, in university students, in the period of COVID-19. We suggest conducting studies with larger samples and using more objective assessment instruments. As the sample is composed of future health professionals, it is important that they be the first to adopt an active lifestyle, thus promoting it.

Implications: The importance of carrying out studies of this nature is related to the fact that it is necessary to alert and promote younger populations to adopt healthy lifestyles. As the sample studied is composed by future health professionals, it is important that they be the first to adopt these lifestyles, thus promoting them. Meausers should be taken by the school taking into account our results.

Funding, acknowledgements: This project wasn't funded

Keywords: COVID-19, Lifestyle, Physical Activity

Topic: Health promotion & wellbeing/healthy ageing/physical activity

Did this work require ethics approval? No
Institution: Alcoitão School of Health Sciences
Committee: Alcoitão School of Health Sciences
Reason: No intervention was carried out. All information was collected using an anonymous online questionnaire, fulfilling the EU assumptions of GDPR

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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