H. Mathur1, S.A. Khan2, V. Chorasiya3, Z.A. Siddiqui2
1Jaipur National University, Physiotherapy, Jaipur, India, 2Jamia Hamdard, Allied Health & Rehabilitation, New Delhi, India, 3Delhi Institute of Pharmaceutical Science and Research, Allied Health Science, New Delhi, India

Background: Along with the electronic development of the present world, physical activity has deceased to a great extent. This reduction in the physical activity has aided us with a lot of deformities; forward head posture is one of the commonest for those using computers regularly. The present study intends to elucidate influence of computer usage on changes in active mouth opening. Since an altered mouth opening would alter the length of various adjoining muscles and concomitant force generated by them.

Purpose: Present study was designed to find out correlation between the extent of forward head posture by measuring craniovertebral angle and the maximal mouth opening in the participants who are long term computer users.

Methods: A total of 184 subjects were selected (92 divided in two group) based upon inclusion and exclusion criteria. Craniovertebral angle was measured using UTHSCSA image tool software version 3.0, by taking pictures in sagittal plane. Active mouth opening was assessed using calibrated ruler. Active mouth opening for the group using computer regularly and the group not using computer regularly was compared.

Results: Comparison of the active mouth opening in the two groups was made using Prism Graph software; Mann-Whitney U test was the statistical test applied. The results revealed that active mouth opening of the group using computer regularly significantly decreased as compared to the group not using computer regularly.

Conclusions: By the virtue of this study, it can be concluded that the chronic and regular usage of computers for long durations reduces active mouth opening.

Implications: Inclusive of our routine eating habits, we chew food of different textures which involves force production from various muscles of mandible. In case of hampered opening & closing of mouth the force produced by muscles is also altered, which would result in incomplete chewing of food. Objectively, the present study was designed to find out influence of computer usage on changes in active mouth opening.

Funding acknowledgements: No funding was procured for the accomplishment of the study.

Forward Head Posture
Mouth Opening
Craniovertebral Angle

Musculoskeletal: spine
Occupational health & ergonomics
Health promotion & wellbeing/healthy ageing/physical activity

Did this work require ethics approval? Yes
Institution: Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi
Committee: Jamia Hamdard Institutional Ethical Committee
Ethics number: 42552

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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