Pasquet M.1
1Association Technicians in Physiotherapy (ASNATP), Port au Prince, Haiti

Background: The January 12th earthquake in Haiti, has revealed the lack of the health care system. The results of this situation give a new class of vulnerable people. The rehabilitation professional staff has been insufficient to take care of this people. Handicap International has set up a training program in Rehabilitation Technicians. Two promotions were graduated (2011-2013/ 2013-2015) from this program of 2,500 hours; so, for involve more in rehabilitation and improve our profession we decided in July 2015, create the National Association of Technicians in Physiotherapy.

Purpose: Our main objectives are: Increase the visibility and promoting rehabilitation in Haiti by educating different segments of the population.
Helping people with disabilities to develop their capacity in social and professional activities.
Develop partnerships with national and international institutions, public and private through our activities.

Methods: We had received many formations to be in condition to build ASNATP with help of Handicap International. It has recruited an expert to show us how to do that, also a trainer to form the team committee of ASNATP about Leadership and Management. We are accompanied from all activities we intend to do, until we become autonomous and self-sufficient.

Results: ASNATP is led by a board of directors composed of seven members: a president, a vice-president, general secretary, assistant secretary, treasurer, and two delegates. Everyone has their role well defined to play for the proper functioning of it. For now the association is composed of 50 members from the two promotions that graduated. To join ASNATP you must be a Technician in rehabilitation, fill out the membership form and pay an annual fee of 1,500 gourdes Haitian equivalent to 23.00 USD A website has been created, which will give greater visibility to the association and to inform the public on all activities we have done. Within the association we have several subnets skills: stroke, pediatrics, medullary injured, massage... As part of the implementation of one, of our projects on the prevention stroke, rehabilitation technicians have sensitized many people through schools, churches and neighborhoods in several areas the country such as: Carrefour-Feuille, Jacmel, Caradeux, Juvénat, Fermathe and Corail. Approximately 500,383 people were affected by these awareness sessions. We were in position to respond in some provencial cities, where there weren´t physiotherapists. Some of us were hired and we labor together until authority in state recognize our formation.

Conclusion(s): The Association is a young association but its expectations are enormous. Haiti now has a new class of mid-level rehabilitation professionals to respond to a population whose rehabilitation care, and needs have increased after the earthquake of January 12, 2010. But our challenge is: the real acknowledgement of our profession; and relationship with physiotherapists. Haiti need more rehabilitation structure, so that professionals qualified, motivated, may give their services toward people with disabilities.

Implications: The implication of ASNATP in its projects are very important, cause by sensibilisation, educating and promoting the rehabilitation professions at the national level, physical therapy can henceforth answer respond to the lack of rehabilitation professionals and helping health care systems.

Funding acknowledgements: National Association of Technicians in Physiotherapy (ASNATP) would like to thank Handicap International Federation in Haiti for his support.

Topic: Disability & rehabilitation

Ethics approval: In this case it´s not necessary, however, the association is supported by Handicap International.

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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