Motabeng J.1, Mothabeng D.J.1
1University of Pretoria, Physiotherapy, Pretoria, South Africa

Background: Massification in higher education is a global concept denoting a rapid increase in student enrollment. In the context of hiher education, and physiotherapy in particular, massification has prompted the need to develop evaluate clinical placement methods that can increase student placement capacity and provide appropriate resources for teaching and learning while remaining cost effective , efficient and ensuring sound student learning outcomes and ensuring quality patient care.The physiotherapy department at the university of Pretoria designed a novel clinical education approach to mitigate for increasing student numbers in the clinical area. The appraoch is termed the ´Clinical Block Workshop Week´ (CWBW), and it uses alternative methods to deliver quality clinical education in the context of increased student numbers and declining resources.

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the CWBW from the students´ perspective in termes of preparation for clinical field work.

Methods: The 3rd year class of 2016 underwent the CWBW as a pilot project to mitigate for increased student numbers. A Cross over design was utilised, whereby for half the class underwent traditional clinical education and the other half was exposed to the CWBW in the third clinical block. The groups were swapped around in the fourth clinical block. The process was repeated in block five and six, giving the whole class two traditional and two CWBW experiences. .A descriptive approach to the evaluation was adopted. A CLINICAL self efficacy (CSEQ) questionnaire adapted for the CWBW was given to the students at the end of each CWBW rotation and they were asked to rate their own confidence regarding clinical placement objectives.

Results: The overall self efficacy score was satisfactory, with students ranging between 32 and 52 out pf 60 on the CSEQ. the highest mean score was on ´confidence regarding patient treatment´ (52)while the lowest score was on ´preparing a patient for discharge´ (32).

Conclusion(s): The CWBW appears to be effective in preparing students clinically for field work. However, more needs to be done to effectively prepare students on all aspects.

Implications: Alternative approaches to the clinical education of physiotherapy students need to be investigated in the context of the massification challemge. The CWBW is one approach that can be used by departments to mitigate this challenge.

Funding acknowledgements: Not applicable

Topic: Education: clinical

Ethics approval: Not applicable. Permission granted for professional dissemination

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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