Pepa H1, Chruzander C1, Lenne R2,3
1Fysioterapeuterna, Stockholm, Sweden, 2Karolinska Institutet, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Stockholm, Sweden, 3Cor Leadership Academy, Stockholm, Sweden

Background: Non-communicable and lifestyle-related diseases (NCDs) are increasing globally; however, a healthy lifestyle can prevent many diseases and premature death. Physical activity and physiotherapy has an important role in prevention as well as treatment for several medical conditions. In Sweden, as in many other countries, the prevalence of mental illnesses has increased rapidly the last decade causing suffering of the individuals and increased costs of health care and social services. The Swedish Association of Physiotherapists have through several projects during the last five years increased the awareness and knowledge about health promotion, prevention and treatment through lifestyle changes among PTs, other professionals, patients and their next of kin.

Purpose: The purpose of this project was to emphasize that physiotherapy and physical activity have an important role for mental health and preventing and treating mental illnesses. The main focus was to create a knowledge base for patients and their families, so they could co create their treatment together with professionals in primary health care

Methods: The project was performed by an expert group within the area. The group included researchers and clinicians as well as patient representatives. A literature review was performed regarding physical activity as treatment for persons with stress related ill health, light to moderate depression and anxiety.
The review was then evaluated and adjusted to clinical expertise and experiences of patients and families.
The third part of the project was to produce an evidence-based brochure in a comprehensive language, including graphics, “Physical activity - your way to better mental health”, and to test the material in a smaller scale. After corrections the brochure had final lay-out and can now be ordered free of charge by the or The Swedish National Association for Social and Mental Health (RSMH) or downloaded at the web site of the or Swedish Association of Physiotherapists.

Results: The project has resulted in an increased awareness and competence among PTs and patients regarding health promotion and prevention through lifestyle changes and prevention within mental health.
Intra professional networks have been developed as well as an increased co-creation with patients.
The evidence-based brochures have been appreciated, are often ordered and down loaded. The work has continued in two follow up projects. One project is developing information material for physical activity in mental health for children and adolescent and another project is developing translated and contextualized material regarding physical activity as prevention in English and Arabic for non-Swedish speaking citizens. This work will be finalized late 2018.

  • PTs play an important part in health promotion and prevention and need to acknowledge this on a micro, meso and macro level.
  • Provided knowledge for persons with mental illnesses and their family members support self-care and self-management.
  • Targeted education and information material facilitate the PTs involvement and their commitment.

Implications: The National professional associations can be facilitators and stimulate and engage PTs in their work with health promotion and life style interventions.
By cooperation with patient representatives throughout projects, health care is better designed for patients and their families

Keywords: Prevention, mental health, physical activity

Funding acknowledgements: This work received financial support by the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare.

Topic: Mental health; Health promotion & wellbeing/healthy ageing; Education: methods of teaching & learning

Ethics approval required: No
Institution: Not applicable
Ethics committee: Not applicable
Reason not required: This was a project for implementation of evidence- based knowledge in clinical settings and for co producing prevention and treatment in health care design together with patient representatives.

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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