Hernandez alvarez ED1,2, Peña Rodriguez DJ3
1Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Departamento del Movimiento Corporal Humano, Bogota, Colombia, 2Fundacion Universitaria Sanitas, Facultad de Medicina, Bogota, Colombia, 3Clinica Reina Sofia, Physiotherapist, Bogota, Colombia

Background: The factors associated with the readmissions of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have been described by the deterioration of their levels of physical activity and therefore the quality of life related to health; The complementary and functional treatment of patients with COPD conceives physical activity as one of the strategies to prevent chronic diseases, since it is estimated that sedentary lifestyle causes 3.2 million deaths each year and that in parallel the quality of life is affected. life in these people.

Purpose: Characterize the levels of physical activity and quality of life of the hospitalized population diagnosed with COPD at the Reina Sofía Clinic in Bogotá, using the Long IPAQ and Saint George Respiratory questionnaires in a pilot study.

Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in a third level clinic; In a pilot sample, 15 patients with COPD were surveyed, the levels of physical activity and quality of life were identified, administering the long IPAQ and Saint George Respiratory Spanish version 3.0 questionnaires respectively. The sample size was calculated in relation to a prevalence based on the St George Respiratory quality of life questionnaire score, 95% confidence level (α = 0.05) and standard deviation 11.67. It was obtained n≥123.35 patients and of these 10% was used in the pilot test, 15 patients. Sampling was probabilistic with a sequential consecutive design in a period of time and previous fulfillment of the inclusion and exclusion criteria.The long IPAQ questionnaire is a questionnaire with a total of 27 items, which specifically assesses the level of physical activity from the domains of work, transport, home and recreation, sports or free time. The St George Respiratory is a questionnaire with a total of 50 items, which specifically assesses the HRQoL of patients with COPD from four dimensions: symptoms, activity, impact and total score.

Results: 15 patients evaluated, 3 men, 12 women (80%); with a general average age of 75.06 years; a level of physical activity (PA) is observed: low 90%, medium 0.0% and high 6.6% patients and their domains of PA related to work 10%, PA related to transport 35%, AF related to home 48% and PA of recreation, sports and free time 16%. In addition, a low HRQoL was found with decrease of the net overall score in each domain: symptoms -10.32 IC 95%, activities -16.12 IC 95%, impact -19.64 IC 95%.

Conclusion(s): Tthis pilot test shows a low level of physical activity that affects the level of quality of life related to health in patients with COPD from different dimensions and it is possible to announce similar behavior in the total sample size of the patient. study. Also, the need to perform PA in chronic patients as part of the treatment, empowerment, self-regulation and internalization and complement of life with clinical relevance is also raised.

Implications: In the treatment of patients with COPD it is relevant to understand that the measurement of PA is an important factor to improve HRQoL. Therefore, in physiotherapy, PA should be promoted as part of the non-pharmacological treatment.

Keywords: Physical Activity, Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL

Funding acknowledgements: any

Topic: Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) & risk factors; Health promotion & wellbeing/healthy ageing; Older people

Ethics approval required: Yes
Institution: National University of Colombia and University Foundation Sanitas-Colsanitas
Ethics committee: facultys of medicine U.Nal and FUS
Ethics number: resolution 152, evaluation report N ° 022-312-16 and CEIFUS 246-18.

All authors, affiliations and abstracts have been published as submitted.

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